
Responses from clabe

Finite Elemente Master Reference stand-5 shelves
Jfrech!Nice system. I´ve heard (rumours) that hard slate is even better than granite in absorbing energy.Having a heavy platform in either granite or slate on a stand will make it less sensitive towards footsteps and vibration in general. Differen... 
Top resistors
Hi Dgarretson!Thanks,looking forward.You´ve propably e-mailed to my address at work which is fine. I also have a home address e-mail: claes-goran.berg@compaqnet.seI´m shure you wan´t be dissapointed with your Duelund resistors.Good luck and enjoy ... 
Top resistors
Dgarretson!Thanks, much appreciated.I would like to show you my system but don´t know how to proceed.Regards and enjoy the music! 
Top resistors
Mr DgarretsonThanks for advice about BBAM, how many resistors need to be changed (no diagram). Nice system BTW. Noticed you´ve changed to bigger batteries, how does it affect the sound (find originals to small).I will check/measure resistors in DPMC. 
Top resistors
Mr Dgarretson!I´ve changed to Duelund (big ones) graphite resistor and Mundorf Silver/Oil cap on my Merlin MX in tweeter section.Sound is smoother but yet detailed. Hovland I find edgy/harsch. I would very much like to swap the whole crossover to ... 
Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?
Hi Robn!Sorry, I forgot to put your name/signature on my response to you. I brought up the question concerning internal wire on your SME IV.Thanks, and happy listening!C-G 
Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?
Is it the SME IV,Vi you´ve got.SME IV,Vi has Magnan Vi-wire. It has good reputation for being very accurate and neutral but without harshness.Stereophile (2003) gave it excellent review together with SME table.I´m interested getting this wire (can... 
Rewire of SME V
Hi Heradot!Thanks for your reply, interesting. I wonder how much 50 cm will cost, I´ll check. I´ve changed to SME MCS150 (done at SME). Still not satisfied, prefer warmer sound over longer terms. Instead I got Cardas and it´s definitely more my ta... 
Airtight PC-1
Hi Romaxim!I just found a specs. it says compliance is 10 cu.If so a heavier tonearm will do fine.Wether it´s true or not remains to found out.I have an AirTight PC-1 on an SME V tonearm which I´m ... 
Stanalog - Still in business ?
Thank You All!It gives me hope to hear that I propably get the stuff,but when that´s ........I´ll suppose my tolerance has to broaden a bit.I´ll wait a while and hopefully it arrives.Also heard Stan have other business to take care of, this is jus... 
Sim Audio amps with Jm labs speakers
Hi Rose!I´ve had Moon W-3 driving my Mini-Utopias with good results. The amp is powerfull with plenty of distinct bas and nice midrange but may be a little lean in upper treble.Although I´m not 100% shure wether leaness come from amp or speaker. S...