

Responses from chicagoblue1977

Stereophile's 2021 products of the year
I read all the rags, forums and reviews, make a list, demo and decide.Kinda like getting your news if you only watch CNN you only get their slant on the story.With all this consider the sources.I do enjoy Part Time Audiophile the most. 
Blue sound vault2i
BluSound is a Divison of NAD. Loads of streamers out there. I am partial to Moon Mind2 have it in my 380. Also had the stand alone Mind2 running through the HAD 230 for a while. 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
I think that a lot of folks have lost sight of is, countries do not make products, people do. Also even though the product is made offshore and the companies offices are domestic, the products are sold and serviced by your local retailer that is e... 
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.
Though an interesting premise that acoustic treatments are poppycock, I find the OP to be that instead, and rolling this into the snake oil channel is just ignorant.My experience was the exact opposite and by adding a few treatments to my room and... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
@tablejockey Thought Icon was made in the UK.Not that it really matters all these companies, with very few exceptions have offshore content. That is the major issue in the supply chain. Though if you are only buying boards and resistors and capaci... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
@jjss49 only took that long to see who the Posers and the Hosers are here.Try and keep it classy keyboard commando. 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
Ax Grinder will not let go  and fan boy knows not when to stop.  
Looking for recommendations for a pair of full range speakers for ~8k or under
I have or do own all 3 of the Sonus faber speakers in the OP and agree the Olympica 3 is wonderful if you can find a clean used one. I have the Olympica Nova 3 now and just love them. Would try the Maggie’s some day. 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
@ozzy62  We could tell your motives were good. Let us know the direction you go. Like my dad said you can’t hit a home run with every at bat.  
Raven Audio Nighthawk
@jjss49  Yes you are right. Better for Dave, Ax grinders be darned.  
Raven Audio Nighthawk
my specific comment about texas relating to raven (and not member 'skypunk' and his attempts to sell his used raven amp) is only to say that while texas, like michigan and florida are indeed open for business, their state govermments have made... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
I think this thread has run it's course. @watersidedave I see your point.Moderator should kill it. Some Ax grinding going on here. 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
Funny I know where it is and have a Niece that lives there.It is bigger than the township I was raised in, in Michigan. 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
+1 @kingbarbuda but I will stick to tea. 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
but then again, they are in texas... maybe slower there than other places for the pandemic to get under control) Wonder what that has to do with Texas? Last I checked Texas was open for business like Florida, would think it would be a bigger issu...