
Responses from chelillingworth

Krell 300il or Jeff Rowland Concentra
Rowland all the way, much more musical and refined. Better value for the dollar buying used also. 
"New" Audio Physic Virgo
The wood finishes are much nicer than the black and well worth the extra $500. 
"New" Audio Physic Virgo
I heard them at Goldman Audio in Ct and they are amazing. The new cabinets are stunning with a butcher block front like the Avanti, there is a good show picture at www.audiophysic.comThe new Virgo sounds to me very much like the Avanti III and lik... 
Shipping: A lesson learned
I would have made the drive. 
Modified you SonySCD-c333es? Tell your experience?
All right here you go.I sent in my 333es to Modwright and Dan did the level II mod for $500 (see for full details) which included the digital out which I only use for my CD burner (read on)Before the 333es I had been using a Rote... 
Help me with the last item in my new system
THe Acoustic Zen cables are the best I've heard and a definate upgrade from the Harmonic Tech Products. I would highly recommend sending in your MSB to Dan Wright at for mods, this is the single best improvement and by far the be... 
Rogue 88 Magnum upgrade
I went from the sock Tempest to the Magnum Tempest . The Tempest is the integrated that uses the 88 amp. The improvement was very impressive. The extension in the highs and the bass from the 50% larger output tranformers is impressive as is the ad... 
Has anyone used the Electro Harmonix 6550 tubes ?
I used the EH 6550's in a Rogue Audio Tempest Magnum and they are great, very transparent with great bass control. 
Which cable will reduce harshness of CD player?
Buy a new CD player, you can't fix a bad component with cables. 
foiled again...
I would second the recommendation of the Tact. If you like the speakers then keep them, two feet shoud be plenty for most speakers and you don't want to be falling over them. The Tact is the only sure way to make your speakers work in your current... 
Amp w/s Outstanding Midrange
The new Bel Canto eVo integrated shpuld be out soon and that will have some amazing mids. 
Replace Cambridge Audio D500 or add DAC?
"I would hope that before someone would voice such strong opinions and abuse the caps lock key that a brief education or listen would be in order"My post was indeed posted prior to the post concerning the Theta gear came out, I have not heard the ... 
Talon Khorus with no soundstage?
Good math and bad typing on my part "3000 hrs of break in equals 125 days. Mr. Farnsworth, I would question your assumption that all of this negative feedback is a good sign. It certainly hasn't raised their stock on the used market. There was som... 
What connection is better Balanced or single ended
The above post is really quite friendly with lovely use of the cpas lock key. I have no problem with these recurring themes it allows for new input and exposes more people to useful information.My opinion is that single ended is fine and less expe... 
Bel Canto Evo 200.2 and JM Reynaud Speakers
While I have only heard your model speaker at a audio show, I have owned a Evo amp for 6 months now. It is the most transparent, natural and open sounding amp I have ever owned. If this describes the sound that you might be looking for, the Evo is...