
Discussions chazzbo has started

Which Threshold s are best?6485728
I should have asked andybody get new TNT 6 parts?15380
Anybody got the new VPI Ring Clamp?I heard.....24793
EAR 834 owners-help with a few basics40872
What about Walker Omega Mikro cables vs. the pack?30521
Why does one need two Paradigm X-overs?18082
Which is better lateral or vertical bi-amping?28686
Anybody have help me with wall MOUNTED speakers?25175
Most bang for the buck Table and Arm combo?27842
What SACD players have digital inputs?22652
Anybody considerered Merlins?292411
Does size matter?33119
Older vs newer with comapinies like CAT & AI??33525
Anybody familliar with MFA Melos?33174
Mesa Baron Vs. Rogue M120's-Should I switch??????27452