
Responses from charlie101

what is the REAL deal with DK
Probably people who feel it is more than it actually is. DK happens to be a normal, average, run of the mill audio manufacturer selling fair products at fair prices. No more and no less. No magic and no snakeoil. Good for them. 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
>>I keep wondering if Dominus was created in honor of Albert<<No that would that be Promotionous. 
B&W 805 with MK-350thx sub, or B&W 802
>>I guess the question is not about the value, what would be a good deal to pay for 802<<Value? Good deal? Gosh maybe the blue book would be helpful huh?:-) 
what is the REAL deal with DK
>>I am particularly offended by your reference to the Cary 300sei<<Gee that's a shame. The only thing you should be offended about is your defense of the DK. Say shill with me.........BTW the deHavilland, Graaf, and Jadis WILL crush yo... 
what is the REAL deal with DK
First, I was responding to the outrageous statement that the DK is the "best integrated on the market period". That is so funny it needed to be addressed. The writer must not be familiar with the integrated market I suppose. Some integrateds that ... 
what is the REAL deal with DK
>>It is simply the best integrated amplifier on the market period<<Funny stuff!!! 
Acoustic Zen Adagio & Red Dragon Audio
Thanks for the advertising. 
Which is more important - Interconnects or PCs?
Any path that carries the signal i.e. interconnects or speaker wire, will be affected more by wire changes than a power cord. That's quite basic. 
Clever Lil Clock - What's up with this?
You can tell what most folks think of this scam by looking at the current open auction on Audiogon. To summarize: 619 views, 0 bids. The numbers don't lie. 
Reviews with all double blind testing?
Put this to bed fellas. Nobody's interested.