Responses from charles7
My first tube integrated: which one to get? Yup, Quicksilver Integrated. Ideal for a small room and speakers of reasonably high sensitivity such as your Focal 926's. Worked great with my Focal 906's. | |
Looking for Advice on Focal Speakers I am happy with Focal 906's. A light cotton curtain over the window right behind the listening seat was quite helpful. I bought the used 906 pair at about half price on craigslist. | |
Pass Then vs. Pass Now My FirstWatt F8 is terrific, driven by a tube preamp. Your Devore Gibbon 3xl speakers have a high enough sensitivity that the F8 can drive them just fine. | |
Streamed music sounds awful in my system and I don't know why .... Almost free experiment to try first: get the Minimserver program onto your PC. It will take the place of WMP. You may want to get BubbleUpNP if you have an Android device, too, which you would use as a convenient way to select the stream or file. | |
Router for Audio Streaming Audio streaming does not need much speed, a few hundred kilobits per second at most. The router can send tens or hundreds of megabits around the network. So you really need a lot of devices going at once before you have worries about an audio stre... | |
Aurender N200 I keep music on the drives of my desktop computer. The minimserver app manages it. A selection from a drive or from the Internet goes out on our wi-fi to a receiver (one of several available in the $200-400 range), which feeds the DAC. I didn't se... | |
Recommendation for low to normal level listening a 13.5' x 21' x 8' room I have a similar room and tastes. Focal Aria 906 speakers have been just fine. I did find that the preamp and amp mattered. With the wrong ones, for example, the top end was too bright. But I finally landed equipment that gives me the sound you de... | |
tube pre & ss amp integrated Why do you require integrated? Do you rule out a tube preamp feeding a solid state power amp? | |
Need suggestions on efficient book shelf speakers for a Pass Labs XA3.5 Focal Aria 906s work great with a FirstWatt F8. Conservatively rated at 89.5 dB sensitivity. | |
Time to upgrade the pre-amp. Van Alstine Transcendence RB 10. | |
My experience with the First Watt F7 I have the FirstWatt F8. I am unable to find any of the issues you reported for the F7. Now this might be because I don't understand, in gut terms or rather in ear terms if you will, what they really refer to. My preamp is a Van Alstine Transcend... | |
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life? Focal Aria 906s —not because they are super special speakers; they are not. But they are good speakers. They let me try amps, preamps, integrated amps; I heard the differences. When I settled on my amp and preamp, I could see that maybe other s... | |
Current Pass integrateds? His newest FirstWatt, the F8 power amplifier, is excellent. Paired with a Van Alstine Transcendence RB 10 tube preamp, the sound is realistic without calling attention to itself ("see how vividly there I am?!"). Of course, your speakers must be co... | |
Help…looking to buy turntable I have a Rega R2 and really like it. It is ready to play. With all turntables the first step up is the cartridge. When I wanted to take the step, I got an Audio-Technica VM95ML. Even better, still affordable. | |
Suggestions for a Phono Preamp. I am happy with the inexpensive TCC TC-750. When I bought it some time ago, it came with a 0.5A wall wart. I upgraded later to their 1.5A wall wart, and it really made a difference. If you buy the preamp,... |