
Responses from chapin99

Ortofon 2M Black
Have you gotten any PMs in response or experienced either of these? I too am trying to decide between them. Thanks if there are any comments which compare. I will be using one of them on a modded rega p-25 with jolida phono preamp. 
Emotiva MPS-2 amp and ongoing saga . . .
Thanks, Bob. I couldn't live with this horrible hum and am now resigned to packing it up and sending it back (at great expense and disassembling work). I am definitely only looking into probably a 4bst (can't afford the sst at this point) or other... 
Emotiva MPS-2 amp and ongoing saga . . .
Sounds very reasonable! I am going to turn it back on right now and run it - maybe do some 7 channel stereo to work each module. I appreciate the suggestion. 
Emotiva UPA-7 question
Sorry to use up your valuable time, y'all. BUT D'OH - big brain fart. I think I got caught up in the expense of my new amp and was taking big shortcuts in thinking about interconnects between receiver and amp. Why would I use cheap cables (crappy ... 
Emotiva UPA-7 question
Hi again.I have thought and researched and got some nice emails as well as formal thread posts here, but I have decided to jump in and get the Emotiva MPS-2 7 channel amp to use with my denon 3808ci receiver and audio equipment. I am excited to se... 
Riggle VTAF question
Thanks for the responses! I think Maprik has the best option for me at present. I do have the Riggle counterweight for the common (wo)man, so plenty to mess with there, but hearing that the Iron Audio (which I just pulled off the table) is bad com... 
Jolida JD9 phono preamp question
Thanks for the quick response. I will look forward to checking out the tubes and have some hope it will just be loose. Anyway, thanks a bunch! 
Inner sleeves versus none?
Thanks! Buying inner sleeves right now! I appreciate the input and now believe he just didn't play them much. 
Quadraphonic system, La Scala question
La Scala problem solved!!! Seems my ALK crossovers have a fuse that can blow. I blew a fuse and lost the woofer! Now all is right with the world and they sound awesome as always!!! Rich and full. Thanks to those who helped speculate with me. chapin99 
Quadraphonic system, La Scala question
Thanks to both of you who responded. You have given me much to think about and plan. The consolidation idea seems a smart way to go. Also, I may have to really consider the weaker links to my setup (just bought the yamaha receiver a month ago - d'... 
Home Theater speaker system choice - help
Thanks to Pe3046 and Unclejeff. I definitely have a bit more research to do and will look into both the axiom line and the new Magnepans (very interesting!). Any others care to chime in? Curious about the little Klipsch Quintets, but mostly becaus...