
Responses from chap_cat

I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
Thanks for the offer. Much appreciated. My room is 14x13, with the speakers place near the 13' wall corners, and pulled out about 3' and away from the side wall about 1', per Klipsch guidelines. 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
One more suggestion. If you want to fool around with vintage tube gear, I would at least look into something like H.H.Scott from the 60's . My buddy has one and I loved its middle range, liquid, musical and very seductive sound. In fact, I liked i... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
I just returned home from my jaunt into San Antonio to do my first day of shopping and listening. Unfortunately, I came home quite disappointed.My first stop was an appointment at Galen Carol Audio. Mr Carol was very nice and professional, and obv... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I took any offense. There certainly wasn't any taken. 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
I suggest checking out all possible resouces and don't make a decision without sleeping on it.More good advice. I now have the $3500 ready budget, but I have no intentions of spending the money tomorrow. There is just too many choices to go off ha... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
The unenlightened should never walk into a dealership IMO. Too many of the salespeople one encounters are little better than snake oil salesmen, and even if they seem to be helping you initially, they might be setting you up for a future hit. I kn... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
OMG, I hate stories where the wife gets the analog in a divorce. Does she at least listen to it or was that pure spite???As much as I hated losing my vinyl and tapes and other stuff too, it was either that or she was going to go after my pickup tr... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
Blindjim said: I'd like to know if your plans for getting into better audio gear are the beginings of a possibly lengthy system building event, or a one and done upgrade.Right now, what I have to play back in my collection are CD's and digital fil... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
One alternative that has captured my interest is purchasing a Jolida JD501B tube int amp, or the Jolida JD1501RC hybrid int amp, plus perhaps a Music Hall CD25.2 CDP from Underwood with level one mods. Underwood claims that these components with t... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
Macrojack said: Feeling overwhelmed is going to cost you money. It will cause you to run straight into the arms of a waiting dealer. An audio dealer is just like a card dealer. His job is to take advantage of the difference between what he knows a... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
Can you bring your speakers to the dealer? If you are going to buy they might set them up for won't be your room but it would be a good start. Two of the dealers require appointments, so when I call, I will ask about this. Good idea. 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
Dcstep said: "adding a nice big rug and some stuffed furniture will help the room a lot."Right after reading this piece of advice, I went down to the local WallyWorld and bought a 5'x 8' heavy rug and placed it centered between the two speakers an... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
Thanks, Dave. On the coming Wednesday, I will have the opportunity to drive into San Antonio (70 miles) and audition the following brands:JolidaShanlingAntique Sound LabCreekCayinRegaRogue AudioPS AudioNilesamong a few others.I love the way the Sh...