
Responses from chadeffect

Class D amps?
I understand the hypex ncore amp is the latest and greatest class d.I have the impression that the guys who say they dislike class d are soon fooled when then circuit has a tube input driver stage.I guess its like adding a little salt and pepper t... 
Ear Speakers-AKG Q701's or Sennheiser HD 598's???
By miles the AKG k701 is better than the Sen HD650. The AKG is much more dynamic, transparent and extended. I find the 600 & 650 headphones to be thick and dark with little headroom.If you want to hear that HD650 "sound" done well try the Aude... 
How long untill I can really Flog them Hard
The B&W 800 series do need a lot of power to bring them to life. If budget is an issue why not look into some class D amps? You will find 400w to 1000w amps for cheap compared with the big heavy class a/b types.Class D will give you that leadi... 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Missioncooner,"Not my cup of tea" is not bad. Honest at least! What would have been awesome is something like "not my cup of tea because..."If you asked me what do you think about x product? And I had experience with x product. If I just said its ... 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Andyprice44,All the conflicting views above on what B&W speakers are like can only tell you that they are transparent, sensitive to set up and upstream electronics.I do get the feeling that some above posts are not speaking about the 800 serie... 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Missioncoonery,At least maybe we have narrowed down which B&W series you are talking about. The budget ones which are now made in china. Then there's the magico dealer... I'm not sure magico even make a speaker as cheap as any B&W referenc... 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Missioncoonery," An argument as old and tired as the brand". "Abbeys heyday was 3 decades ago..." My friend you are misinformed. They main reason Abbey road still exists is because it has everything. It is one of Londons only studios apart from Ai... 
Avantgarde XLR subwoofer connection
Macro,I bet the Pass labs would sound good. Doubt you even need the 60.5. The 30.5 would have plenty of power for you. Are you a SS amp fan? Try some First Watt too. There are many flavours. 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Hi Mapman,Please don't think I'm am saying the MBL is bad. Although I doubt there is much value for what you get. Placement with omi speakers and dipoles can create problems.Surely all things being equal, reference speakers should(!) pretty much s... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Csontos,Measurable would be nice, but I am not sure which printed specs tell me about sound staging or image depth?Demostratable can only be defined by the listener and this is where I suspect the trouble starts. I say x sounds better while you sa... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Csontos,I know some would challenge you and say that most SS amps are incapable of producing that 3D sound.For me personally 3D or holographic sound has usually come from tubes. I know of few SS amps that can have that density and image depth. The... 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Mapman,I guess deffuse is really what I mean when comparing the MBL to some other designs. Especially if compared to the AG Trio. Not being palpable is my point. Phasey is probably not the correct term. I associate MBL with that thin but airy sou... 
Solid State for Rock and Tubes for Jazz, Yes or No
Mapman,Lol. Thats the spirit.Steve Winwood is a gentleman. I had the honour to hang with him at some rehearsals some years ago. He played with so many legends back in the day and I had no idea until he told the stories. I was too busy being born I... 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Rhljazz,The only ionic tweeter I have heard is the acapella. I know of no other tweeter to sound as good. It's so pure. Stunning clarity and extension. But the problem is mating it to the lower drivers.IMHO the acapella fails because the tweeter i... 
Solid State for Rock and Tubes for Jazz, Yes or No
Mapman,Lovely, but I hope the early reflections from the handrail didn't spoil the music.