
Responses from cello

Transparent Phono Cable
Dgad,.Did you get your UNIverse in Copper or Silver coils ? I am assuming that you got the SB weight..Rgds,Larry. 
Audience AU24, are they good?
.Setiawansr,.I think that power cords in general only improve with age and also with not being moved around once they get in place and settled in your system. I find that moving power cords temporarily degrades the sonics, but it returns once the ... 
TIME to break in a Denon 103R
.Psychicanimal,.Interesting post and also the first time I have heard a comment that the 103 would cause record damage..Can anyone else weigh in here to confirm / dispel Psychicanimal’s Theory ?.Rgds,Larry. 
TIME to break in a Denon 103R
.Dan (OFCBAH),."Cognoscenti" - those in the know, a Connoisseur..Does that moniker fit you (your wife's opinion not required here) ?.Rgds,Larry. 
TIME to break in a Denon 103R
.Steve,.Glad to hear that your Lenco project is rolling along. I am really looking forward to see how it all ends up..Have you ever heard any comments/ feedback on the sonic difference between the 103 and the 103R ? .Rgds,Larry. 
TIME to break in a Denon 103R
.Dan,.My friend is using a Rega B300 with an Incognito Wire Upgrade on a P3 table..Rgds,Larry. 
SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?
.Sirspeedy,.I hope things go well with your Dad...I will have you guys in my thoughts..Rgds,Larry. 
TIME to break in a Denon 103R
.Dan,.The Denon 103R actually belongs to a friend who does not go on Audiogon that often. We were guessing at how long his new 103R would take to break in and I decided to ask the cognoscenti on Audiogon to share their experiences..I have been wan... 
SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?
.Sirspeedy,.How about you contact Jeff Rowland and take him up on his offer for the "loaner" now and then you won't care how long it takes him to get your amp done?.Jeff might even send you an amp that is the equivalent of your amp or a level abov... 
SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?
.Cipherjuris,.I have not heard the SME V / UNIverse combination, but I have heard the Tri-Planar / UNIverse on my Teres table and it is a wonderful match and not lacking anything in dynamics, leading edge attack, detail, as well as tuneful,/focuse... 
SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?
.Cipherjuris,.I have heard both the UNIverse and XV1-s in my system on the same arm on the same weekend with the same music. I clearly prefer the UNIverse to the XV-1s with no slight to the XV-1s (a great cartridge and great value). .The XV-1s is ... 
ZYX Universe silver vs copper
.I concur with Doug, Divo and Thom and prefer the Copper to Silver. .For me, the Copper has more life and better leading edge attacks without any sense of brightness or exaggerated detail. If I had not heard the Copper, I would be thrilled with th... 
Which would you choose to isolate your turntable?
.Nate,.You still need help......Rgds,Larry. 
Which would you choose to isolate your turntable?
Sndrstaud,.Great post. How do you think the MinusK would do under a heavy mass table like the upper Teres line (360)?.Rgds,Larry. 
Who is Nick Doshi?
.A wonderful human being.....