
Responses from cdwallace

Best upgrade path?
If your current system has what you've been looking for, then why upgrade? You wouldn't wanna get upgraders regret; parting out a system you enjoyed, then once its gone, kick yourself for parting it out. I hear a little talcom powder can help the ... 
Solid state; when would you use tubes?
For what its worth, I personally don't like care for tube gear. I've heard some pretty decent setups, but I don't have a preference for it. IMO, I wouldn't mix tubes with solid state at all, especially when you start climbing the higher end ladder... 
Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?
Madhf...thanks for the post. Glad to see someone who enjoyed MC from its infant stages until now. If you loved MC then, I can only amagine how much you're enjoying MC of today. Technology can be a wonderful thing. Viva MC!!! 
Overkill Audio Encore...
I'm still reading the review as we speak. Rearrange the thought process seems to be a fair statement, too! 
Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?
Judging my the lack of dialog I would assume 1 of 2 things, either everyone is just so asstounded they can't comment or no one really cares. Sad part about it is, this forum is missing information such as this, practical information. Not spend ano... 
How big should center spkr be to set to "large"?
Just checked the spec between the Paradigm and Silver, just out of curiosity. It looks as if the Silver is ahead by 2.5 paces. Mtrot...unless something unforseen takes place, I would take the silver and part with the 570. A bit on the chunky side ... 
Crossover Help
Well...for starters distance settings and levels. 
Taking audio too seriously?
You mean to tell me I just wasted all that money on rotating my house...for nothing! Why couldn't you have posted sooner. Oh well, thats what I get for taking advice from my magic chipmuck! Live and learn, I suppose. ;) 
Crossover Help
James...if you don't mind me asking, where is your crossover point for the sub?BTW, You'd be supprised how much better your system can sound once you've tweaked you denon beyond the auto setup. With auto setup, you're probably at about 85% of your... 
How big should center spkr be to set to "large"?
Mtrot...I think what D Edwards is getting at is that what your focusing on is just a temporary solution to a situation that should really bring the best out of your setup. This is part of the reason why attention should be paid to speaker selectio... 
Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?
After giving it some thought, maybe some are confused as to the location of the previously posted question. Either that or many are still processing the very basic explanation. So...that being said I've copied it below. -------Question primarily f... 
Very BIG Room? Music and Home Theatre Challenge
IMO, depending on the budget, I suggest two companies. Meridian 568.2 or 861 and Blue Sky Sky System One or Big Blues. Its a combo that will truely shock you. 
Crossover Help
James - I agree with KR4. Its not a matter of changing the product because what you're looking for is already there. Its a matter of moving the crossover frequency higher. Maybe even around 150Hz. Even then, be sure to properly blend the sub and s... 
Matching the center channel to the fronts
IMO, I think removing the center speaker is hindering the performance of your system. If there are other factor contributing to removing the speaker, thats one thing. If no outside constriants are there, keep the center channel and take the receiv... 
How big should center spkr be to set to "large"?
Here's a shorter explaination, IMHO. If the speaker can't handle "full range"...45 or 50Hz to 20kHz for arguments sake, set the center channel to small on your receiver. It just makes life much easier that way. Thats just my take on things though....