
Responses from cd318

Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
 < Coldears : The signal passes through so many different types of metals as it passes through your equipment it’s hard to believe that a cable and its content becomes such a debate. I have heard differences but none substantial enough to justi... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Without science we are back in the days of superstition and magick. In other words, lost.Luckily there's usually some kind soul with a homemade map which he'll let you see. For a fee of course.Scientific pioneer or fraud? That's the question we ne... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Blind listening tests under controlled conditions may not be perfect, but they are infinitely superior to sighted ones if all you are concerned with is sound quality.I remember vividly how after 'upgrading' my amplifier to one costing 4 times as m... 
Recommendations for headphones under $400?
For comfort and portability the Sennheiser PX100 mk1s are hard to beatSligjtly less portable but even better sounding are the brilliant Jays V Jays.I find the PSB M4U 1s to be well balanced but maybe for Rock you need something less polite. Is the... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
<"Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancersThe "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different."Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates mic... 
Which speakers do I pick and are they close in quality
The Harbeths are just abouts superior in every way. The 30.1/.2 might be the star of the Harbeth lineup. The only question is whether you would miss the lack of deep bass. 
what to buy first
As many of us have found out the hard way, when it comes to hardware it is the loudspeakers that have the greatest effect. From planars to monkey coffins to open baffles there are no bigger sonic differences to be found in audio equipment. The fun... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
<frogman> Yes, your logic is good. We should be looking at turntable speed issues first and then resonance issues and to a lesser extent cartridge tracking and frequency range (closed related to tracking /construction). Its very dubious whet... 
Open Baffle. Why are they mostly limited to DIY?
Open baffle speakers must be a nightmare to design (bandwidth and cancellation) otherwise they would render all box speakers obsolete.The problems of getting cone drivers to work perfectly in a box are infinite. Box speakers will always be flawed ... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
Has it not been demonstrated numerous times that cartridge performance (tracking) depends upon the arm in which its placed? The arm in turn depends upon the turntable on which it sits. A low quality turntable (resonance and speed issues) with a hi... 
Most overrated bands
<soma70> Thanks for that. I'll check it out now that I've finally got a digital radio. Still limited to FM in my car, ridiculously difficult to change CD/Radios in a Honda hatchback.If on the PC then its boxing channels on YouTube, Analogue ... 
Amps or Speakers which one to upgrade next
Options1 Change your speakers. It won't be easy because no loudspeaker can be much of an improvement over what you have. They can be different though.2 You already have a great amp. Again there's nothing much better out there. Just different, you ... 
Why is the snake oil topic closed?
The only way forward left is through improvements in microphone, headphone and loudspeaker technology. Distortion figures for amps, CD players, DACs, cables etc are already vanishingly low. Even transducers are pretty good outside the bass region ... 
Why is the snake oil topic closed?
We cannot move forwards without science, otherwise we could call in a Witch Doctor to cast a magic spell on our Hi-Fi. It'd probably work wonders for some.... 
Why is the snake oil topic closed?
Its a good idea to separate measurable and non measurable tweaks. I'm pretty certain that equipment isolation is fast becoming practice and will soon lose its tweak status.And then there's unnecessary engineering, eg  where should you stop at, 20k...