
Responses from caterham1700

What music is best for an Audiophile Society Meeting?
Barry Manilow.It will drive them out of the room and you can knick some really nice kit.Remember to keep the motor running and remove the license plates.;0) 
Hobby, Hobby, Hobby?
It's a *hobby* if it's something you enjoy doing for yourself that won't earn you a decent living and isn't likely to kill or maim you if you screw up.It's an *avocation* if it's a necessary part of your well being and you define yourself by the a... 
How to Listen ??
I try NOT to *listen* and in particular I try to avoid the trap of watching the music but rather sense how I respond to the music being presented.I judge a component and systems by their ability to move me emotionally,how well they communicate mea... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
more addendums-If you're still worried about slippage/accidents, you can stick self adhesive felt pads(the kind used beneath knick-knacks and furniture) to the tabletops beneath the spikes for a little added security.I suppose you could even glue ... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
I understand the concern but the device is actually much more stable and secure than you'd imagine.The spike will be inset from the edges a good 1-3/8" or so and the topsheet of the tables is quite soft.When you place even a moderate load,the spik... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
Hi Sean,I think your pipe wrap idea is a fine one.I hasten to add that you really needn't to cover the entire length tho.A little damping goes a long ways and quite frankly,I'll bet if you were to audition your Premiers both with and without dampe... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
-never do multiple re-edits at 3:oo am :0)Re:in my reply to Sean, the next to last comment should instead read ->>>What diameter threaded rod would you recommend for the risers ? <<<I'd say that it isn't all that critical but my ... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
Hi Sean,>>>The fact that you had the courage to mention that the Ikea design had similarities to your more expensive Neuance shelves shows that you aren't afraid to tell the truth. Even if it may come at some personal expense.<<<... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
Thank you,Francisco.I understood perfectly.Now, about that TNT thing,- maybe you could persuade them to do a review of aftermarket shelving before I submit the IKEA*lyte project.;0)Best,Ken 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
Rushton, The "IKEA*lyte" construct is largely intended to do much of the same type of damping and isolating that Neuance was designed to achieve. Neuance ideally should be used in the context of a spike decoupled metal stand or support such as Tar... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
Dave43- My apologies for making you my unwitting victim in my soapbox crusade.I appreciate and admire your helpful and generous contributions to this forum.Ohlala-THAT was "tangling"?"Better get those teeth sharpened.;0)btw- about the 3 point thin... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
IKEA*lyte addendum #2-if one chooses to use the Lack coffeetable as a base module, you'll need to relocate the rear legs of each shelf module to accomodate the narrower profile of the coffeetable(end table measures about 21.5" in depth whereas the... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
addendum to IKEA8lyte-I should note that you will have 4 unused legs left over from the base unit that will be handy for a component change or to replace the leg that was accidentally miscut;0)The spikes should be ground to a relatively shallow 45... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
IKEA*lyte Modular Component Isolation Support-IKEA's Lack endtables and coffeetables are constructed of an attractively finished natural wood laminates over an expanded foam and chipboard core.This composition is of high strength, extremely low en... 
Here's How I Make My Equipment Racks
Hi Ohlala, My original response was not meant to dismiss Dave43's commendable, informative and well-meaning posting.He properly referred to the plans as "equipment racks" rather than isolation stands and I had hoped that my original response, whil...