
Responses from cat345

Considering simplifying my system... talk me down (or whatever)
@mrdecibel, I am well aware that Klipschorns are giants and can blow away little Harbeths any day but still, there are things that small speakers can do (imaging, tonality) that large speakers cannot reproduce as well. That could be an interesting... 
Considering simplifying my system... talk me down (or whatever)
Hi pinkyboy, I would downsize everything including the speakers. A pair of Harbeth P3ESR, a Simaudio ACE + a Qobuz subscription should keep your ears happy for years! 
Pure Class A amps above 100 Watts?
The Classé Audio DR3 was also a pure class A 25 watts at 8 ohms, 50 watts at 4 ohms and 100 watts at 2 ohms amplifier. It's weight is 65 lbs. 
Pure Class A amps above 100 Watts?
The Mark Levinson ML-2 was a 25 watts class A mono amplifier that weighted 65 lbs. What would be the weight of a non fan cooled 100 w. pure class A stereo amplifier? 
What brand was better than it is today?
I second Olsmobile  :) 
Thoughts about Jadis and Harbeth
If possible hear the Jadis with the Harbeths and compare to others! I think the Orchestra will beat most similar tube amps simply because Jadis make their own very high quality output transformers. The only problem with Jadis is that you can't bia...