

Responses from cantorgale

People That Have Upgraded From Harbeth 30.1s....
Harbeth m30.2 + dual HSU ULS 15 MK2 subs. 30.2s are not an incremental improvement to the 30.1. Far bigger soundstage, greater delineation of voices, tighter bass. Overall more forward sound. With subs it is a very different speaker than the 30.1 ... 
Audible Illusions M3B question
I feel very fortunate with the service and turn-around I received from AI after reading these tales of woe.  I bought a refurbished L3A from a dealer who sent it directly to AI for a warranty check. But only after I expressed my concerns to the de... 
PS Audio or Ayre?
Auible Illusions or PS Audio BHK preamp?I currently run an Audible Illusions L3A linestage and Bryston BHA1 headamp with PS AUDIO BHK 300s.  Have an opportunity to pick up the PS Audio BHK pre at half price.  Any experience with AI and/or BHK?  BT... 
best preamps
Refurb Audible Illusions L3A linestage or Modulus (w/ phono stage). Tubes.  
The Harbeth phenomenon
@el34 Recognizing this an old thread, it is relevant to my current situation. Like you, I am a classically trained musician (singer) with decades of performing experience, and so find my Harbeth m30.1s both accurate and immensely satisfying.  I cu... 
Modwright Preamp Owners.
Any thoughts comparing SWL 9.0 Anniversary Ed with LS 36.5?One of Dan’s pre’s will pair with his new Ambrose a30 mono blocks to replace my current ss kit. 
Tube preamp recommendations $3K-$7K range
Lots of great input, thanks. Lots of familiar names and some unfamiliar products for me research.@hifiman5 and  @1marker: Joe at The Cable Company gives a strong recommendation to Backert Labs as well. Mentioned that he relied on Bob Backert for h... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
Michael recently modded MPCs for my Syn Res Element Tungsten SC and PC, a Telsa T2 SE PC and Tesla Accelerator LE IC and Accelerator LE IC. The sonic improvement was noticeable - and not subtle. Expanded sound stage, greater depth to the sound and...