

Responses from campo007

External Linear PSU for Router - Voltage/Amps?
I added an external linear PSU to my Netgear router, and it was well worth the investment. I opted for a "cheap" one from AliExpress (AUD$400) to see what it would do. It had a major positive impact.  Now looking to upgrade to an Ediscreation PSU.   
Gustard N18 Pro LHY FMC switches.
I have the LHY SW-8 cascading into the N18, then into the N18 Pro. I had the LHY first and added the two Gustards later. I did notice an improvement when adding the N18's. The noise floor dropped and details became clearer and micro dynamics came ... 
Which External Linear PSU Upgrade for my Router?
I bought a linear PSU from AliExpress costing me AUD $400. Let's just the difference wasn't subtle. Very positive and far exceeded what i paid for it.  Then i upgraded the DC cable to the Ediscreation. Again, a very positive change.   
Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!
I've been using the provided cable.   
Which External Linear PSU Upgrade for my Router?
The Ferrum Hypsos is $2k down here at the arse end of the planet. Is the improvement worth that?   
Which External Linear PSU Upgrade for my Router?
Thanks heaps for your suggestions. I’ll look into these and see how I go.   
Which External Linear PSU Upgrade for my Router?
Which External Linear PSU Upgrade for my Router?
Thanks @antigrunge2 , it seems at 12v it outputs only 1.9A. Is that going to be enough when it needs 2.5A?   
LAIV Harmony
@kereru I’m feeding the DACs with an Auralic Aries S1 with external PSU, and a Shanling ET-3 CD transport.   
LAIV Harmony
@soix while the Harmony and the May share a beautiful natural timbre, the May is more micro and macro dynamic. The soundstage is much wider and the sound is more robust.   
LAIV Harmony
Hi @lanx0003 ,  unfortunately for the group - no. But for me yes.     I  had the opportunity to buy a Holo May 3 KTE and I jumped at it. And if I can be completely honest, it’s an amazing DAC. I have since sold the Harmony.    I sold the Harmon... 
LAIV Harmony
@lanx0003 I have it running 24/7. Either streaming or a CD on repeat. Will report back in a few days with a 100 hour report.   
LAIV Harmony
@wig , good to know. Thanks heaps!    
LAIV Harmony
@lanx0003 right now with just 10 hours on it, I’d say the Harmony has the same width as the R26. The depth is still a little flat, but it is showing signs of opening up.    The unit still sounds new and constrained. The top end still needs to ope... 
LAIV Harmony
Just received the Harmony. Wow! Fresh out of the box it's certainly better than my Gustard R26. Bass goes deeper with more impact. The midrange is glorious. Can't wait to see where this thing goes.