
Discussions calgarian5355 has started

Acoustic Foam Panels - Blu Tack ???166018
Law of Diminishing Returns - CD/SACD Players2847843
Elrod EPS 3 / Electraglide Grounding Concerns50468
Ayre C-5xe or the CJ McCormack UDP1 Deluxe?62805
Best One Country System?11019330
Which to turn on first...Amp or preamp?1989517
How Important is Tube Matching?29773
How Important is Tube Matching?66229
"WET" Soundstage?23063
Recommendations on a 3 channel amp?32733
Which is more important? Amp or Preamp?1109514
Totem Forest vs Proac Response D15 vs Spendor s8e230557
Shunyata Hydra Users....Your Opinion please...1532713
PS Audio Ultimate Outlet/P300 power cord ?50296
Room Acoustics Problem????577114