

Responses from cal3713

Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Have finally put in enough time with my Don Sachs pre (all upgrades) to evaluate the unit. The difference between my source direct (I've used both the ps audio pwd & dsd units) and through the Don Sachs is not even close. Music sounds diffuse ... 
PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC upgrade to DSD?
One last suggestion... If you've got the space, you may also consider using screw connections throughout the crossover.  It eliminates soldering and let's you easily swap out capacitors to try different types. That's what Nelson pass uses on his h... 
PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC upgrade to DSD?
Whoops, should have just gone with "relative" rather than guessing son!  Glad you posted the correction. As for the dsd, obviously many people love it, maybe most. For me, it just doesn't sound natural. Don't know if it's my speakers or what, but ... 
PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC upgrade to DSD?
If you're otherwise happy with the speakers, I would consider upgrading the crossovers in your Thiels.  Better capacitors on my speakers (Duelund CAST Tinned Copper on Coincident PREs) eliminated some light smearing and brightness/sibilance in t... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
@markusthenaimnut Great, please do post.  I've been enjoying my DS pre, but would still love to hear about the shootout. 
Crossover Capacitors for Accuton Tweeters - Solen -> ClarityCap -> Jupiter -> Duelund
This thread took an interesting turn... always good to hear everyone's opinions. 
Crossover Capacitors for Accuton Tweeters - Solen -> ClarityCap -> Jupiter -> Duelund
@charles1dad Also, I did compare a FW SIT2 (from reno) and the Franks back when I was buying an amplifier for the Super Eclipse IIIs.  I preferred the Franks as well.  I'm sure if the PREs were an easier load I'd never have moved on.   
Crossover Capacitors for Accuton Tweeters - Solen -> ClarityCap -> Jupiter -> Duelund
@brownsfan Me too.  If not trying to find a booster amp to augment the Franks I wouldn't have ever tried the F4.  In the end, I just think it's a case of a particular design working well for a particular speaker. Of course there is this quote from... 
Crossover Capacitors for Accuton Tweeters - Solen -> ClarityCap -> Jupiter -> Duelund
@rauliruegas I've been a scientist for most of my adult life and certainly am biased towards truth. That said, if I could listen to every speaker/amp/source combination out there I'd probably choose the one that made the greatest percentage of my ... 
Crossover Capacitors for Accuton Tweeters - Solen -> ClarityCap -> Jupiter -> Duelund
@charles1dad when I had the super eclipses, I never had any indication that the Frank's were straining in any way. Bass wise, I certainly had more out of that combination than I've been able to extract out of the PRE's. In part I upgraded because ... 
Crossover Capacitors for Accuton Tweeters - Solen -> ClarityCap -> Jupiter -> Duelund
Not sure if this (google photos) link will work, but here's a picture of the Duelund cap next to the Jupiter and original Solen, in case folks are curious about size:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/XRieYxBEng4nH4tFA  
Crossover Capacitors for Accuton Tweeters - Solen -> ClarityCap -> Jupiter -> Duelund
@brownsfan As you know, the Franks struggled a bit with the load of the PREs. To recap, I tried a Lyngdorf 3400, Atma-Sphere M60s, and a Pass Labs XA25, but in each case settled on the Franks despite their poor bass performance.  Eventually I deci... 
PS Audio Direcstream Snowmass Versions
@radman707 Nice to get confirmation that my ears aren't crazy.  It's really a different sounding firmware.  And interesting that if you read threads on PSA, you see plenty of people who feel the 3.06 upgrade is amazing... definitely a system syner... 
Speaker recommendation for SET tube amp MASTERSOUND
@ei001h Nelson Pass has used Tannoy's while developing his First Watt amplifiers... almost all of which are under 30 W per channel.  I'm not familiar with all the models, but at least some should be a good match. 
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