

Responses from cal3713

Jerry Garcia’s McIntosh amp
@jayrossi13 Wonderful.  Thank you!  And happy to take more GD live video recommendations if anyone's got them. 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
I actually had a different version of Suki Suki Suki up... if you haven't seen it, it's also great:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd5ztTz1564&list=PLtQPqEWF2cIU787UucIe2jkQ5wi7kk2SS&index=77  
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
Great work, all new except for the Suki Suki Suki performance!  That one's really something else, huh??  I'll start watching today and get the list updated.  Thanks for contributing.https://www.youtube.com/user/cal3713  
Has Digital Audio Tech Plateaued - Is It Safe To Come Out Now?
@rooze I agree that there's not likely to be any significant new tech in this domain for quite some time.  I have trouble imagining what the next frontier is now that streaming has matured to it's current point.  Perhaps the network protocols will... 
Has Digital Audio Tech Plateaued - Is It Safe To Come Out Now?
@rooze No offense meant, but it feels like you already know the answer to your question.  Your opening question implied lack of experience, but you've already made a real investment into the digital domain and as you are aware, the next step up wi... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
@jeecc Great that that performance was captured, but a shame its quality isn't better. You inspired me to create a second playlist for performances like this that aren't recorded as well as stuff on the primary list. The obvious criteria being tha... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
@maholl50 Thanks for the suggestion! I hadn’t heard of her. I like it. Always happy to learn about new music. Maybe you’d appreciate this Man In The Mirror cover by Rozzi (another female vocalist doing pop really well): https://www.youtube.com/wat... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
Thanks for the link.  I'll take a look.  Please keep the hate out of the thread though.  I know I'm guilty too, but it seems like every thread on Audiogon ends up with meaningless hateful bickering.  I'd like to keep this one focused on music appr... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
A few new ones I ran into today: Daniel Norgren Live at AB - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHe0MQ-o6Ng&list=PLtQPqEWF2cIU787UucIe2jkQ5wi7kk2SS&index=7 Paco De Lucia - Live At 31st Leverkusener Jazztage 2010 - https://www.youtube.com/watc... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
@schubert You're really just talking about a very narrow slice of the rock concert world.  I personally prefer $5-20 at the door and also don't care much for the mass produced shows that often get retreaded over and over at the large sheds.  Give ... 
AGD Audion GaN Class D In The House
@arcticdeth Looking forward to hearing your listening impressions.  Hopefully they'll let you audition at home if the first experience is positive... 
Looking for a DAC under 2k
@gryphongryph Always, I suspect. There are a few things to consider in the balanced vs. single ended (RCA) world. You really need to know if the equipment internally balanced by design.If so, then you’re getting reduced distortion because of the n... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
@pesky_wabbit  In large part due to your help!  Thanks.  Perhaps there's not much more YouTube experience to tap on Audiogon, but hopefully we can get some more people weighing in this week.  Please send in some more suggestions folks!http://youtu... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
@schubert That quartet playing Janacek in Cleveland is spectacular.  Added to the list.  Thanks. 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
Thanks @schubert   Takes me a bit more time to work through the classical recommendations, but I'll have a listen.  No doubt that there's a huge amount of worthy, top notch music in that genre.  And as you can tell, I'm unfairly biased against it....