

Responses from cal3713

Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Since we’re talking about first watt amplifiers that may provide a good match, I’d just like to mention that the F4 doesn’t get enough attention. 25 watts, zero negative feedback, and no gain stage to modify the sound of your source and preamp, al... 
Comparison of latest DAC chips
@mtdining It's hard to take stuff posted by people who take extreme black and white positions seriously.   
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
@khragon  Congrats!  Please do report back on your experience... 
Is Parasound on to something? Or, How important is crossover management in preamps?
Thanks Al, I appreciate it. To the OP, I'd also just like to note that Douglas is very right... given that your sub already has a crossover, you are completely fine without one. The Salk will play just like it was intended/designed without removin... 
Speaker recommendations 10 to 30k and no beryllium
@smodtactical Perhaps you could list your amp and source? That might help focus the recommendations.  Rugged, dnamic box speakers helps some, but there are still a *lot* of options out there in that price range.Also, new or used price range?  I'd ... 
Underrated album: Sonics AND Music
Yello - Touch Yello: Classical inspired German electronica with just beautiful production quality. The band never even performed live until 2016 (starting from 1979), so the full art is the album production. https://www.discogs.com/Yello-Touch-Ye... 
Is Parasound on to something? Or, How important is crossover management in preamps?
@hilde45 & @lukaszwk  Agreed that people with an axe to grind hurt the forums... disagreed that this makes the place worthless.  I've learned so much here.  If you hang out enough you can get a sense of who to trust... and learn a lot in the p... 
ATC SCM v3 - First impressions.......
@fivestringsdown Enjoy your speakers!  Congrats! 
ATC SCM v3 - First impressions.......
@kenjit BLOCK USER 
I am frustrated with the sound from my DAC
Why don't you just switch over to the Cambridge Audio DAC Magic plus and sell the Peachtree?  Unless you're the designer of the Peachtree, it seems like you've found a totally reasonable solution. 
Is Parasound on to something? Or, How important is crossover management in preamps?
I don't think PSA's argument is specious at all.  When you change the crossover point, you really are arguing with the speaker designer.  Not that the Parasound feature is likely to be used for anything other than sub integration.  It's also a rar... 
Amplifiers weight
Glad three people got on here to post Nelson Pass' thoughts on the matter.  +1, +1, +1. 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
@jmolsberg If you're willing to DIY, the entry price isn't as bad as it seems.  Jon @ refined audio was recommending a simple 1 cubic foot sealed box with the 8" driver if you're going to augment with a sub system.  Cube audio has a lower model fe... 
Is Parasound on to something? Or, How important is crossover management in preamps?
Someone has to control the crossover point.  As you pointed out above, it can be convenient to have the option in a preamp, but it's also more circuitry that could be done better with a separate component or within the speaker itself.  I don't see... 
Tempo Electric 4N Silver Speaker Cables
I've also used VH Audio's 5N solid silver in cotton wire to build a pair of interconnects (with KLEI absolute harmony plugs) and found it to be a substantial upgrade over my other interconnects.  The only things people charging you $1000s of dolla...