
Responses from c5150

Fuses - Why do same size fuses sound different?
Vibration......I hope you leaned a valuable lesson as well.Follow your signal throughtout the whole and see that everything affects everything ....not just your fuses. Remove the fuse all together and solder a 22 gauge in the loop.Get ready to fre... 
More Power is always good?
Remember to flush twice.....it's a long way to my kitchen...lol Yeah i know it seems ,far fetched and hard to let go of the brainwashing we get in life.It's not for everybody either.Only do-ers need apply.It is not a set and play mentality.I used ... 
room setup
part 2 Ok ....everybody including me thought it would be reflective.After hitting my instrument ,it turned out to be ...absorbing the sound ,just lke a matress or bed would.It is therefore a huge issue with low frequencies ,because it acts like a ... 
room setup
hey ...guess who I did a field trip once....using a percussion instrument,a small wood block ,the ones they use for latin music etc...You could use a triangle or any inexpensive bongo. Go outdoors and strike it several times.Get used to the sound ... 
More Power is always good?
Guys.... This is a stripped dvd....very light weight,ounces.It is allowed to vibrate.You don't need to go as far.This dvd is 70$.Don't go stripping the mega $$$ cd players....please.http://theshowreport.com/tunelandpics/cdimipics/cdimi53005/pics20... 
More Power is always good?
that's mister 51...... Ok ....look at it this way.I know it sounds like i'm on crack ,but try to look at your whole system as one. I used to look at the numbers game myself.I used to own mega YBA amps,and yba signature pre etc...watt pups.So i kno... 
More Power is always good?
Now ,now....play nice. Those are the facts dude....that's why 3 watts work.I didn't say they were the best.And that an empty room is the answer either.You are drawing conclusions.I'm talking general. 
More Power is always good?
Yes nice analogy..... The thing is you could push the car back on to the road.The power is needed to get past ,or blend back into traffic.It's not need to get the car back on the road per say. Now if your room is covered with absorption...you need... 
The Mechanics of WAF
the way i see it... Hi-fi is about communication....Wifes are about communication.Life is about communication. Hearing some of the answers and set ups here on the GON ...I wonder how it is that some guys are getting all 3 wrong....Just a thought..... 
How U determine first and second reflection points
Ok.....so now if the speheres collide and bounce off the walls ,and off of each other.We get a problem with standing waves or /nodes.By killing some of the frequencies or musical notes.....All you have accomplished is the death of your music.The s... 
How U determine first and second reflection points
First of all to treat, means kill in hi-fi.You or we (hi-fi)claim or describe sound as a staight line.We give examples of the beam of flash light or a cue ball off of a pool table deflection. The earth is round...sphere. when we throw a pebble in ... 
How U determine first and second reflection points
so if you where to hit my instrument and stand in front of it .Lets say you line all 4 walls with humans ,line all the ceiling and floor as well.when you hit the triangle(example)no other person will hear it but you becaue you block it ..right....... 
How U determine first and second reflection points
Go and buy yourself a cheap instrument.Stand in the middle of the room and strike it.Sound everywhere at once.So cover all your wall or put up all mirrors.LOLSorry not answer your looking for.sound that travels in straight lines???? 
Speaker Design
3 french chefs making cream of carrot soup,with the exact same ingredients...would it taste the same???????Life ,like sciences are variable....there is no absolute. 
Cats and audiophiles
I ,in my past experiences with the pussy-cat...have seen some short ones,hairy,hey some owners even shave them.There were some some that smell pretty awful.Fishy sort of smell...must be all that tuna.Wet ones too...oh how they hate the water.I've ...