
Responses from c1ferrari

Personal amp evolution
Since 2006...BAT VK-75SE, BAT VK-150SE. 
How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?
Hey Jsman,Sorry for the late response...just got back into town. I purchased my A820, with 1/2" and 1/4" capabilities, from a mastering studio in Burbank. Had both headstacks evaluated by Sprague Magnetics in Sylmar, CA...95% head life remaining..... 
How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?
I have one...Studer A820, but may obtain another one for location recording. -Sam 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Stereolady,Effusive apologies for the tardy reply. My spouse and I enjoyed RMAF, immensely! We found gregarious people and delicious sound. By-the-bye, one of our favorite rooms, YG Acoustics/FM Acoustics (main floor) features a product line you c... 
Transmission line speakers
Congratulations, Mcgarick! In response to the original post, I believe DALI makes a transmission line...the MegaLine. 
Esoteric PS-0, Metronome Kalista, Burmester 969 ?
I hear DSD is good; however, the absolutely best I've ever heard/experienced is analogue tape. 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Still in Denver...RMAF just concluded. Heard the inestimable Harry Pearson deliver a talk...brief discussion of demographic homogeneity...I consider myself exceedingly fortunate -- I've discovered my spouse, whom was present for the 3-day audiofes... 
Hi End Pre-Amp shoot out in central jersey?
Hello...is the jury still out?? Thanks. -Sam 
Esoteric PS-0, Metronome Kalista, Burmester 969 ?
I have an Esoteric P0s in my system...it has my vote! 
The best "imaging" speakers?
I'll offer Beveridge speakers! 
Anyone here using vintage speakers?
Beveridge Model III's (full restoration by Rick B.) and soon, Bev Model 2's. 
Esoteric Transports matched with different DA's
Hello. I'm using an Esoteric P0s with an Audio Note 4.1X Balanced DAC...stunning!-Sam 
Which 110 ohm digital?
Hi,In my system, I auditioned a Transparent RAES and a Tara Labs O.8. I preferred the 0.8. 
Any recommendation for TOP 5 cables AES/EBU ?
Hello,For AES/EBU, I would recommend Tara Labs ISM OnBoard The 0.8 (digital). 
Beveridge owners.what preamp do you use
Hi,I used a BAT VK-51SE and now, BAT REX with my Bev Model III's. They're driven by BAT VK-150SE monoblocks. I'm wondering how the REX would sound with the Bev 2SW-X...