
Responses from c1ferrari

Considering Beveridge, your opinion please.
Mjc,Okay. I'm just off to a friend's studio...he's very recently received and is evaluating a Mytek Stereo 192-DSD DAC...this should be fun and informative.I'll contact you later upon my return. I'm on California-time, i.e., UTC -8 hours :-)-Sam 
Considering Beveridge, your opinion please.
Hi,I own two pairs of Beveridge loudspeakers: Model 2 / II and Model 3 / III. The Model 2 restoration is incomplete. The Model 3 has been restored by Rick Beveridge and, as I recall, incurred substantially more expense.A link to a picture of my Be... 
Oppo BDP 103 and 105
Miketuason and Rgd,I appreciate your observations :-)Miketuason -- if feasible, please let me know if your BDP-95 is placed on the market...thanks! 
Oppo BDP 103 and 105
@ Miketuason,I'm contemplating acquiring a BDP-95...using a BDP-93, currently. I value having analog video flexibility ;-)Do you have any objection/issues with fan noise?Thanks.Best,Sam 
Any way to reduce pre-amp noise floor?
Good call, Hifigeek1 ;-)Vbr,Sam 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
Hi,Haven't perused the thread and predict my sentiment has been articulated in some fashion hitherto -- a high-end stereo should have the capacity to reproduce its source with fidelity, room notwithstanding.Now, some may not be enamored with what ... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Clio09,I hope to stop by :-)Best regards,Sam 
Donna Summer, rip
Absolute 70's Diva!Saw her perform in Vegas...she was in good voice...Thank You Donna :-) 
Impressions of the BAT REX
You Got It, Tom!:-) 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I think the last time I heard Bose 901's were at a Pacific Stereo in San Diego.I dug 'em! Not quite sure if I was still in high school or perhaps, had begun college; however, I do recall how differently the sound was presented compared to my frien... 
Is it save to convert XLR to RCA?
I'm empathetic, Grannyring...I'm chasing a buzz, the 60/120 Hz type, haha, as well. Elusive things, aren't they? ;-)Regards,Samp.s. Hi Al :-) 
What is the best transport?
Changeout,May I suggest, presuming you haven't - already, communicating with Audio Note UK? I've found them responsive :-)Regards,Sam 
Best tube dac available?
You've got three heavy hitters right off the bat! :-) 
Impressions of the BAT REX
Wow, Tom...I wasn't aware of what transpired!Truth be known...I considered contacting you, myself, and was fancifully imagining the purchase of a second RexPower from a dealer.I would therefore have a pair of 150SE's and a pair of RexPower to fuel... 
Impressions of the BAT REX
Hi all,Just came across this thread as a result of Tom's recent post...Fully concur with each poster's characterization of Rex...hope to have some in-house exposure/experience with additional well-regarded pre's for edification ;-)Has anyone audit...