
Responses from byfo

Is there a SS amp that can offer tube bliss?
The bel 1001 MKV. Beautiful smooth sounding amp with incredible detail, lots of bottom end and all the rest. 50 watts stereo, 200 watts monoblocked (8ohm)I don't know how the owners of 10+ tube monoblocks handle it. Darn I left the amps on over ni... 
Von Schweikert VR 4 III SE v/s Legacy Focus 2020
I agree with Mark above and will add that the Focus is a more efficient speaker and will probably go louder. I too settled for the VR's. I found the highs easier on the ears with the VR's. A more musical presentation. 
Cartridge wars
Note, the Dynavector Karat is a very low voltage cartridge. Make sure your phono stage has adequate step up otherwise you will have no volume. 
Cartridge wars
When I contacted VPI about a year ago regarding a cartridge recommendation for my VPI Aries the Dynavector Karat 17D Mk2 was at the top of their list for under $1000. 
Hours sitting around just listening to music?
I'm a lucky guy. I have no distractions except the ones I create. I am able to listen to music with absolute silence around me, from my sweet spot, for at least an hour a day during my work week and 2 hours each day on weekends. 
How many audiophiles bi wire their speakers????
If a speaker is made properly, bi-wiring should not make a sonic difference. Bi-amping on the other hand will. 
A serious blow to Canadian audiophiles, must read
A Canadian's perspective . I totally agree with Jax2's comments. North America will never be able to get a handle on the growing and distribution of marijuana. It's not a moral issue but rather an issue of economics $$$$$$$. If govt's spending to ... 
Coincident Total Eclipse vs. Von Schweikert VR 4
This is a follow up to my original comments above. The quality of your gear is very important with the VRs. I am currently using a Sony 777ES SACD player as a transport which feeds into a D2D upsampler (Assemblage) then into a Theta GenVa 20/96. W... 
Hello Wadia Again and Agon
I initiated a thread about 3 months ago titled "Mfg's Comments Welcome" to do with product warranties. It's gone. It appears someone in admin. likes the delete key. 
MFG's for cable burn in units?
Thanks guys. 
MFG's for cable burn in units?
What a deal! Not quite what I was looking for. Actually just came upon a site which advertises the Audiodharma Cable Cooker for $649. It does speaker, interconnects and power cables which appears to be a bit more reasonable then your proposition. ... 
Coincident Total Eclipse vs. Von Schweikert VR 4
Hi Tvad, the VR4's I purchased are approx. 6 months old. Don't know how much time was accumulated on them in the original owner's system. As I said, I'm still experimenting with their placement etc. I have not drawn any conclusions at this point. 
Coincident Total Eclipse vs. Von Schweikert VR 4
I just received the VR4genIII HSE and have had the Total Eclipse for a couple of months. At this point (open to more experimentation on my part) I feel the Eclipse's are more revealing in the mids and highs. Decays and subtleties are more apparent... 
Step-up Transformer, what's lost?
Make sure phono preamp and preamp are physically separated from one another. This will lower noise floor.