
Responses from buellrider97

beginner seperate system
Sorry you asked about separates . I own a Schiit Yiggy, Bifrost and Loki . I’m currently considering a Freya to use instead of my Rogue Pre. I am extremely pleased with their products as they offer great value . I’ve updated my Rogue with NOS Tele... 
beginner seperate system
May I suggest considering the Rogue Sphinx or Pharaoh. Both integrated with tube pre , phono stage , headphone jack and remote control . Needs 1 quality power cord and some Telefunkens to replace the stock tubes . Plenty of quiet , clean solid sta... 
Have you had enough of Classic Rock?
“ Do you feel like I do “? Isn’t that a Frampton song ? If you listen to all the black musicians from the 30’s to 50’s , you can discover the Real Rock Music ! Happy Listening , Mike.  
Recommendation for DAC needed.
    Hi Richard, always enjoyable to read the discussions you start . Having gone from a Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog ( non multibit ) to the Schiit Yiggy, gave me an improvement, but along the same type sound signature . But my random thoughts are t... 
Suggestion for best stereo amp ?
@ mzkmxcv, this is the second thread I’ve read where you were directly asked if you listened to items compared . Again you skirted a Yes or No answer by quoting reviews and tests . Why don’t you post on what you have listened to , we can all read ... 
Where to put my new power cable?
I currently run Silnote power cords . I just replaced the 20 amp cord on my Power unit with a Syunyata Venom HC , I could immediately tell a difference . So I purchased 2 new cords from Mike Morrow . They are better than my Silnotes . But I needed... 
Why does my DAC sound so much better after upgrading digital SPDIF cable?
I love threads like this . People telling you what you can and can not hear. Even though they have never  listened to your system . And then they quote a test that they didn’t hear either . That is followed by the phrase “ Placebo Effect “. So whe... 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
Hi , I’ve had similar issues, but with a different type speaker . I am not able to buy a $4k item for tone , since I currently exist in a Mid-Fi price point . 3 kids with cars and college just ended , so maybe soon . So I purchased the Schiit Loki... 
My first Tube Amplifier
My your TUBE is ceartinly larger than my Tube ! All ESL jokes aside , I started in 1973 with a Dynaco SCA-35 and a FM-3 tuner . I’ve never supersized my Stereo due to cost . So today in my Mid-Fi world and hot summers , I run a larger amp during t... 
JBL - almost nothing for sale, why?
Hi , I have a question for all you JBL affectionados . I have a very clean pair of 4312A’s . I’ve paired them with numerous SS and Tube amps . No vinyl , just a Schiit Yiggy . I’m not recapturing my youth , like I was hoping . They sound harsh in ... 
Accuracy vs. musicality
Thankyou Art. 
Accuracy vs. musicality
Per another member -  “ Picked up a pair of the reissue JBL L100’s a few weeks ago. 12” woofer, retro design, complete wall of sound - sounds like a straight up recording studio or concert in my room. I was seriously sick of messing around with tw... 
Which integrated amp for better musicality - Parasound Hint vs Primaluna vs ???
I find it interesting that Rogue ALWAYS recommends Mullards . I have a Rogue pre and prefer Telefunkens , Seimens and Amperex over Mullards . Even RCA over Mullard . They recommend Mullard for driver upgrades in their power amps too . I loaned my ... 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
  I’d look real hard at the Modwright KWI-200. Absolute beast in its price range . 200 wpc doubles to 400 wpc at 4 ohms. Great amp for demanding loads . I had one without the DAC , I use a Schiit Yiggy. It was paired with Acoustic Zen Speakers . I... 
Best SS amp choice for Zu Omen
I would recommend a used First Watt amp . I’ve had good luck using vintage Sansui and Marantz SS. For tubes , the Had Inspire is Outstanding . I’d  also avoid pure silver Interconnects and speaker cables ( too bright ). I’ve had good luck with Ant...