
Responses from budjoe

Favorite scream in rock?
Harry Nilsson - Nilsson Schmilsson - Coconut and Jump into the Fire Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I put a Spell On You and many others  
Integrated Amplifier Recommendations Needed
I tend to agree with bgross. Vintage speakers should have a vintage receiver. Sansui, Marantz, Kenwood, Macintosh. Upper end models of any of the brands fully restored (pots cleaned, replaced, caps and diodes replaced) should be available within y... 
Any owners of Schitt Bifrost 2?
I have a Bifrost 2 and a Modi Multibit. I think the first question regarding Schiit DACs and other choices is: are you satisfied with 24/192 PCM data, or do you want DSD or MQA and can that be decoded before the Schiit DAC. I have what many here... 
Why did this just happen ?
You didn’t specify which MacBook Pro you are now using. If it is one with the M1 processor, that is part of the answer, plus better/faster processing from the ram, storage, and input and output. Beyond that, results will vary depending on what els... 
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
Space inside the cabinet will be a big determining factor for what speakers will fit in your allotted space. I will add Ascend Acoustics Luna https://ascendacoustics.com/collections/sierra-series-pairs/products/luna-v2-mini-monitor-pair?variant=... 
A listening test of two power amps
Normalizing should be done to peak amplitude, not RMS. Both of your files have a peak amplitude that is clipped at between 1’08”  and 1’09”. I generally normalize to -1.0 dB of peak. I used values in your original samples to come up with the value... 
A listening test of two power amps
In the samples I sent to you, the waveforms were normalized to -3.0 dB, then the zoomed portion was normalized to -0.3 dB. In the zoomed section, the noise on the quiet part of the j-piano-zoom was very similar on both the left and right channel.... 
A listening test of two power amps
Just read your post about distortion on the j and y piano files. I think you may have something else going on. Looking at the wave form of the j and p files, there is almost no ripple in the quiet parts on either file. Certainly not enough to be a... 
A listening test of two power amps
Listened to all nine as originally provided, and with a modification (more on that later). In general across the 3 different versions of each I liked j the most, y second, and p the least. Differences are slight. I like the attack on j and y the ... 
A listening test of two power amps
@surdo  Finally got to due a little more compare of the e & t files. My first try was at a lower volume than I think should be used for comparison. First pass at that low volume, file e was much better than t, but on replay, t was closer to e... 
A listening test of two power amps
@erik_squires "1. Match level by multimeter instead of SPL. Get a 60 Hz signal and check the output on either speaker. You can get really accurate this way." I am a little ambivalent about using 60Hz sine and voltage to verify output level balanc... 
A listening test of two power amps
Haven’t listened to the files yet, but hope to later today. I find your wiring configuration of the Sunfire amp confusing. To my understanding, current drive would have the most effect on the lower frequencies. The tweeters should not need for mu... 
The real truth about recordings
Read the article, and wanted to add some thoughts in a slightly different vein. All music is an emotional and energy experience. That is the main point. Whether it is a live performance, a studio performance, or a recording of one of those perform... 
Sharing a subwoofer between a Stereo and HT combination.
Thanks to all replies. It looks like there are 3 solutions, but with some restrictions. 1. Parasound Halo P6 preamp, and the Parasound Hint6 both have 2 sub line level or LFE bypass inputs as well as the HT bypass inputs. Will check them out at t... 
Sharing a subwoofer between a Stereo and HT combination.
@soix  First, disregard option 1 of adding a stereo amp — you don’t wanna leave the AVR’s preamp section in the stereo pathway so either an integrated or separates is the way to go. You should share what sound characteristics are most important t...