
Responses from bubb

Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions.
Nyev, I do have a B&W DB1 set up in my 5.1 setup. Again if you balance your system the bass does not overwhelm or intrude. I do not listen to a sub in my 2 channel. If I did connect it, it will come in at 120Hz and below. No good for mid bass,... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions.
Nyev, Slam is what I'm missing, from these speakers. As you have correctly pointed out. They do have excellent midrange and treble and are maybe speakers for a classical connoisseur. Rather than someone who listens to all types of music. The amp i... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions.
Nyev, I see, you had no choice then. I've never heard D2s so no idea what the bass response is like. I think you are right, the bass on these speakers isn't what it should be in terms of their relative size. The problem is the drivers they are too... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions.
Nyev,It’s not just if you have room acoustical problems, it sorts focus, impulse response, clarity etc. Worth investigating more so than power cords!Regarding the Class A, I read in a review somewhere that it was biased towards Class A. But I’m no... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions.
The majority of folk are familiar with the sound they hear from their room and each room holds a unique signature- boomy bass, no bass, too much bass, bright treble, no focus etc. One or more frequencies seem to dominate the frequency spectrum, ne... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions.
Although it is built like a Sherman tank there might be the display and the bulbs on the front which might fail over time.Just wonder about the fluorescent display, are folk turning this off after adjusting volume etc. This can be set up via men... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions.
Congratulations on your purchase Nyev.I’ve just recently took delivery of a 300 without any demos! My speakers are 803D3, I’ve got roughly 2 hours on it. It sings just as you have mentioned above. I’m hearing things from the 803D3 speakers that I ... 
Bryston 4B3 vs Mac MC462 vs Pass Labs X250.8, OR... GRYPHON Diablo 300?
Nyev,I know what you mean with the speakers, when i was going to buy a pair of 800 D3 series speakers. I listened to 800, 802 and 803 speakers, the 800 speakerswhere excellent but you need the room size and equivalent electronics to drive them to ... 
Bryston 4B3 vs Mac MC462 vs Pass Labs X250.8, OR... GRYPHON Diablo 300?
Looking forward to this review as I own a pair of B&W 803 D3 speakers. I’m looking to buy either the Mark Levinson 585 or the Diablo 300.I found the 585 drove 803 D3 speakers with authority. I ended up turning the volume up on quite parts and ...