

Responses from bryhifi

Binding Post Loose tweeter connection.
Rocket94,do your terminals look like the ones in this link?https://www.ukaudiomart.com/details/649448539-paradigm-studio-10-v5/images/1933995/When you say you put a tight rubber band around both wire connections are you referring to the upper +/- ... 
Tube Preamp - What to buy?
Recently went back to tube mono blocks and tubed preamp.  I can honestly say that I find the Rogue Audio RP-1 to be quite amazing for its price.  Variable loading for the phono cartridge and it sounds very good, plenty of inputs and dual preamp ou... 
Mqa on Topping d70s
I believe it is the use of digital co-ax cable that is hindering MQA handoff.  My SMSL has the same issue from my node 2i…it does not unfold MQA via co-ax or optic.   I think you may need to use an I2S / hdmi cable to hand over the MQA to D70s.  A... 
Need definitions of: Dark; Warm; and Bright
@rocray,  it’s far to common here that someone asks questions that may quite often have some legitimate answers to be offered but the trolling, sniping and self aggrandizing crew can’t help themselves.  Instead of scrolling along and keeping the s... 
Mirage M1 Speakers
Cheapest way to get those 185 lb beasts up off the floor with some isolation factor.   8 x $1.37tilt / tuck / tilt / tuck.https://www.supplyhouse.com/DiversiTech-MP-3E-E-V-A-Anti-Vibration-Pad-3-x-3-x-7-8 
How to split stereo into stereo plus sub out?
SVS SB-2000 do not have speaker level input, line level in only.It sounds like you will be using the DAC as the volume control.If you are using RCA cables from the DAC to the Yamaha amp then the easiest way to deal with this is to buy an RCA Y-ada... 
Peachtree Nova 150, 300 or 500 Speaker Pairing....Any Suggestions?
“Solomon prefers to keep Mum about the identity of the new engineer as well as precisely how the two Class D ICEPower modules found inside the nova150 have been implemented. What he will tell us is this: a pair of 300AC modules are fed by an outbo... 
Peachtree Nova 150, 300 or 500 Speaker Pairing....Any Suggestions?
I have a Nova150 driving a pair of Wharfedale Diamond 10.7 in one system here.  Was so impressed with the combo that I grabbed a pair of Wharfedale EVO 4.4 last month and can honestly say it sounds even better with the EVO 4.4  - the Nova / Wharfe... 
Actual Lead Time on Tekton Speakers
@spacecadet65,props on the Garfield avatar ;)If I’m right you will get my avatar if you enlarge it.X-men 81-85 lead sop 
Magnepan MMG Speaker Placement in a Small Room
If you want some dedicated Maggie user input I’d suggest looking here for info as well.  Some very good threads there with pics available within postings, something this place lacks.https://www.audioasylum.com/cgi/etv.mpl?forum=mug 
Peachtree Nova 150 as a pre only?
@yyzsantabarbara ,  thanks for your response.  It’s never just a simple question in this hobby, lol. Appreciate the details you provided and may be in touch via mail system with other questions about the 300i, if you don’t mind?@dougsat ,  thank y... 
Peachtree Nova 150 as a pre only?
@yyzsantabarbara ,  how do you like the 300i with the 3.7?  For the record, I was a Krell whore for many years but that was back in the KSA, MDA, KRC and KBL days.  I had the CS 3.6 for a decade or so.  Never tried their integrated but wonder now ... 
Peachtree Nova 150 as a pre only?
@yyzsantabarbara ,  thanks yyz.  This is where my concerns are and appreciate your candor.  I’m not about to start building big rig 2.0, although the last two pair just in deserve the big rig.  I’m looking to give the secondary system a nudge to g... 
Peachtree Nova 150 as a pre only?
@russ69   I hear what you’re saying.  I’m sure it will work but I’m curious as to how good it will sound.  I feel like I read a thread or article somewhere that they (PT) did not perform as well when split apart.  Have searched here and the asylum... 
Are "vintage" DAC's worthwhile, or is this a tech that does not age well
@curlyhifi. Those Krell SPB 32x, Studio and Ref.64 dacs were some outstanding units!  Thanks for the audio flash back...been a long time since I had them but man did they leave an aural impression.  Oh boy, guess this guy is going to start hunting...