
Responses from branimir

Mini Monitors - Dynaudio and JM Labs
I own Dynaudio Special 25s with Dynaudio Stand4. My room is almost the same dimensions as yours... Sound: Very deep and tight bass for standmount speaker( in-room to ca.25Hz!), natural midrange and extended highs. Rest of the system is ARC VT100Mk... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Elberoth2-I belive Jazzdax also tried Weiss Medea in his system... Regarding #1 or #2 flavor it is difficult question. I will try to explain-If Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s combo is #1 flavor( and one of the best combos on the market ) then Weiss Medea... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi David. Glad you like Esoteric X-01, it is fantastic player! Regarding Meridian, IMHO introduction of 808 Signature( CD Player only!) was clear sign of DVD-A defeat.I auditioned Meridian 800 V4 DVD-A/DVD-V/CD player and was not very impressed wi... 
Arghh Too Many CDP Choices...Help
Agree with Bigkidz! Keep your transport and try to audition Accustic Arts DAC1Mk3($6K) or Reimyo DAP-777($5.2K) dacs. They are IMHO far better than all players on your list( except maybe Meridian Signature 808-$13K!). 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Good question Teejay! My reference power cord is Siltech Signature G6 Ruby Hill and it is excellent sounding with Weiss Medea DAC and Weiss Jason CDT, much better than PS Audio Statement Power X-Stream that I previously used.With Esoteric DV50s I ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Audioesq-Esoteric D-70/P-70 combo is #1 flavor. It is still excellent sounding gear but, in direct comparison with D-01/P-01/G-0s it was clear that new combo is better( in RBCDP). D-01/P-01/G-0s has more refined and little bit deeper bass, more pr... 
SonusFaber & Lamm ?
Powerful SETs? Art Audio Adagio(60w monos) $23K/p, Siltech Signature Tube( Limited Edition wonders-80W monos) $70K/p, New Unison Research Reference( parallel 845s, 80W monos) $40K/p and there are few others...All Lamms(M1.2,M2.2 and ML1.1) will wo... 
Any info on new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?
Amati Hommage-I heard it with Accuphase A60, Pass X250, Audio Research VT200MkII and Lamm M2.1-sound was best with ARC, Lamm close second...New Amati Anniversario-Audio Research VT200MkII, Audio Research VM220, Boulder 1060 and Krell FPB450Mcx-cho... 
Any info on new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?
Semi-I agree with you regarding plastic cones. But, as you said speaker is more then just drivers... Interesting thing is that Guarneri Hommage is using also Audiotechnology(sp?) midwoofer and we all know that Guarneri is pure magic.New Guarneri M... 
Any info on new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?
At the end of my respone I said IMHO. It doesn't have to be same as yours or anybody elses. I consider myself Sonus Faber fan(of Sonus sound) and I could agree with Semi that some people will be suspicious regarding new Anniversario.Best thing is ... 
Any info on new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?
Well, since Almas findings are quite opposite from mine few things need to be cleared. 1)Three different persons that I know and trust in thier findings have almost the same opinion as I do and all of them are switching from Amati Hommage to Anniv... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Esoteric D-03/P-03 combo is scaled down version of D-01/P-01 combo. It will be availabile in Europe and Usa in January 2006. Price-around 60% of D-01/P-01 combo. First auditioning reports from Japan are excellent. They said it is something like 90... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Good news for all CEC TL-0 fans, CEC just introduced TL-0x!TL-0x in refinement of original TL-0. New one is available in silver color only. It should be available in Europe and Usa in limited quantities( 1st quarter of 2006 ). More is on www.cec-w... 
Review: Stealth Audio Cables Varidig Sextet Reference Interconnect
Teejay-Very well writen review, IMO. Since I live in Europe it could be difficult to get my hands on Sextet.Regarding 6Moons weg mag, I agree with you. Personally I find more and more reviews very biased. People are buying equipment because it is ... 
Denon DVD-5910 Transport for a DAC???
Jkalman-The best possible thing is in-home auditioning of gear that you are interested in. You need to find out for yourself what works best in your system. Honestly, I think it is a waste of money to add DAC to 5910. This is the reason that I sug...