
Responses from brainwater

amp matches for cj premier 17ls
Agreed as well! 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
Guido , I joined Apl Hi Fi for the sole purpose of reorganizing and streamlining operations to facilitate a more efficient transition to being an OEM. Part of my objective was to improve customer service. There was an immediate improvement in comm... 
Where to buy MDF board?
Hi Richard ,I am the only current dealer for Critical Mass and my website is under construction . I sent you a pm. Thanks Brent . Rainwater Audio 
LA Show Report
Yes , absolutely . The Nola room was extraordinary. I couldnt get what I needed out of the sound because of the constant chatter all around me. They were however in my top 6 without question . I like the idea of putting the crossover in an externa... 
Do I even need or want a preamp?
Hi Brian . I own the 10 s and 20 s in a multichannel system and while the 20 is excellent and the 10 quite good , they both are a demanding load.I personally feel that the 20 t is one of the most resolving , musically satisfying speakers I have ex... 
Vote your next American
Hi Joe , he did mention you and Rushton and I appreciate your kind words. Its just that we all go about our lives taking so many things for granted , thats all. Meeting Tom made me a better person and I just wanted to share that . Brent 
Conrad Johnson Lp 140 monoblocs review.
The DarTzeel gear is fabulous. Good listening!!! 
Conrad Johnson Lp 140 monoblocs review.
Great system BTW Henry! 
Conrad Johnson Lp 140 monoblocs review.
Cant explain that Henry . Defective? Who knows but i wouldnt assume anything until I exhausted that possibility . 
LA Show Report
I must comment on the Metronome room as well. The Kalista transport and Gaia turntable was something to behold. Visually , it might have been the most magnificent looking gear I saw at the show and the sound was layered and full of harmonic textur... 
LA Show Report
Outlier , first let me say that your system looks really great!I forgot to mention the Rives room . We were having a chat with Joe Kubala and he said not to miss it as we were leaving the show. We went back upstairs to the 4th floor for a quickie ... 
LA Show Report
This coming from you Joe is especially humbling as I have always enjoyed your numerous contributions to the forum and your in depth NY Show reports . You are one of the most respected members of Audiogon and have stuck with them , like me , though... 
LA Show Report
Appreciated Joe. I live for this stuff and am concerned for the industry as a whole and feel the more we can excite interest and generate passion for music and gear the better off the fuure may be for all of us. I am concerned by the attitudes , t... 
LA Show Report
The vr 4 jr was butted against the vr 5 se { thus the typo}. They didnt play the 5 while we were in there. I made the comment mainly because the sound was so coherent that one would have assumed that the 5 was in actuality playing. On another note... 
LA Show Report
OOPS , typo error on the VR 5 above ! Sorry .