

Responses from bradz

Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
Lucky you Tireguy, the CLK55 AMG is one SEXY car!! How did it handle? 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
1.) 1990 Toyota sr5 4wd 4-runner with 150k miles on it.2.) Hopefully a 2001 Toyota sr5 4wd 4-runner in millenium silver, sport edition, and gray leather interior. I'll be looking at it this weekend hopefully!3.) MB clk AMG coupe or any Ferrari! 
Comparison between the Rogue 66 and Rogue 99?
O.k....o.k...I realize that I've asked this question before and just thought any "new converts" to Rogue would give their feedback. I looked up searches and found some info about the two pre's. I own the 66 now and will be getting a 99 soon and wa... 
Personal amp evolution
My start to finish: Harmon Kardon pm 645 integrated Onkyo receiver Creek 4330 integrated Odyssey Stratos (soon possibly for sale) Innersound esl amp 
System for Yacht
You might want to go www.carreview.com. It is the sister sight for www.audioreview.com. It is a good place for reference, but take the reviews with a grain of salt. Good luck! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I'm auditioning a Innersound amp right now and have wondered how the Chardonney pre would sound with it. I'm currently using a Rogue 66 pre and have considered a upgrade to the Chardonney. What could I expect going from the Rogue 66 to the Chardon... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Bwhite, What were your results using the Chardonnay with your listed amps and what are you now using with the Chardonnay? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thank you Bwhite for the measurements. Is anyone using the Chardonnay with a ss amp and has anyone compared the Chardonnay with any other pre's such as Rogue,Cat,Bat,Blue Circle, etc. ? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
What are the dimensions of the Chardonney preamp? 
Rogue Owners Unite
Actually the hum/distortion I mentioned earlier is coming from both speakers. It is not as audible now that I'm using another amp. It could possibly just be dirty ac from the wall. Could someone else who experienced the power supply hum from their... 
Rogue Owners Unite
I noticed that there is a audible distortion/hum coming out of my right channel. Could this be the power supply issue others have posted about, or might it be a tube going bad? By the way, I have the Rogue 66. Is one tube for the left and one tube... 
Best way to compare amps?
Thanks for the replies. The amp I'm auditioning , if everyone is curious, is the Innersound esl amp and comparing it to my Odyssey Stratos amp with cap upgrade. The rest of my system consists of: Cary 303/100 cdp -> Coincident cst ic. -> Rog... 
Has anyone heard the Kora hermes connected to a ..
Thanks all for your feedback and happy listening! 
Movies with...
In the movie "What woman want", I remember seeing a system with Mark Levinson equipment and Revel speakers. If I remember correctly, Frank Sinatra was being played....gota love Frank! 
Has anyone heard the Kora hermes connected to a ..
Should I consider selling my Cary 303 and using a less expensive transport with the Kora? Just wondering if I'd benefit more that way and at the same time having the "funds" for the Kora. How could I benefit more from the Cary 303, when used with ...