

Responses from bora

Help Smoke rising from 300B amp
hey travis........it sounds like the amp needs a new rectifier.......its not bringing enough current to the 300 b's, find an audion dealer in your area...it should not cost a lot to fix this problem.......unless you can fix it your self......? hap... 
Review: Classe Audio 70 Amplifier
i also liked the 70 the first time i heard it,if you get a chance take a listen to a yba amp 2 , it has much more of everything that the classe has.....and its also upgradeable with external power supply's......only if you get a chance to! 
Maggie 1.6QR amplification questions
i would do a classe ca-101 and even bi amp the maggies.. 
YBA CD1 Delta what does it compare to ?
great deck......one of the best available,check out the levinson decks, no.39 or the s version,390 would be even better still......great combo with yba stuff. 
Bi-amp with Pass Aleph 0s and 3?
yes....this works & very well indeed, the only thing is you should match up your amps...you have 0's get another 0's or atleast aleph 5 .....the 3 is no slouch mind you but the 5 produces more current and bass..deeper sounstage is also a benefit. 
Opinions on Cary 301 and Jolida 100
antmo........was it becouse of the warmer tone of the tubes..that you sold your yba -1? 
Small size tube amps...any recommendations??
Opinions on Cary 301 and Jolida 100
cary is a much better piece....heard them both.......but i also heard that the cary is a modded jolida? i think you can do better in terms of performance..and sound from other great cdp's...yba,naim,linn, and service is always available for these ... 
sugden A21L integrated amp vs PS Audio hca 2 ...??
if you want a great intergrated check these out before you buy the sugden which is a very polite sounding unit,naim nait-5 you can upgrade it at any time with another amp for bi-amping..also primare a-20 70 watts of pure music...and also can bi-am... 
Intergrated Amp and CDP for vandersteen 1c
i would get the linn majik and the linn mimik cdp,i had this combo with the 1's and its a great combo...as long as your room is not huge......the majik is a clean 33 watter .....so take that into account.....late you can upgrade to a lk-85 or lk-1... 
Naxos CDs with Great Sound
i think naxos has all great sounding recordings.....not like decca or phillips.......it actually makes me want to listen to my cd's.....and its nice to hear about new artists, and the price is cheap......virgin has most discs available for 5.99, i... 
Omega Speakers
louise's speakers are hand made one at a time,you can get a variety of finishes...which are fantastic by the way........you can drive these speakers with 1.5 watts s.e.t amps..........feel free to e-mail me..i'll give you even more info if you like. 
Grado Platinum vs. Dynavector 10x5 vs. Sumiko BPS
10x5 will give you more rez,deeper & wider stage,better focus..its an mc .........if you want softer more lush sound then grado is the way to go.......if your system is already lush or tube like.......then 10x5 would fix that......i would stay... 
Mixing Naim Pre with Other Amps
instead of a 112 pre, get the nait-5 intergrated ,the rest is just fine.......the 5's pre is virtually the same as 112 plus you will have another amp available for use later if you would want to add bipolars for side........i hope this helps. 
ZHorns or Hornshoppes?
my good man........go to the following site www.omegaloudspeakers.com.........very nice sounding and louis is a great guy...