
Responses from bongofury

Dynaco A-25's and a sub-woofer?
One of the better Danish products in its day. Along with the NAD 3020 amp, a real classic. Remember, you will hear exactly what your parents heard--smooth musical sounding songs, great with jazz and vocals and folk. I would grab them and match the... 
Stevie Wonder-As
RobWhat does Michael Fremer know? He is a gnome with a turntable for all I know. Stevie is without equal in the 1970s for consistently great music that will stand the test of time. 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
Yes, that is 3 and 1/2 million out of 200 million Americans. Next to Japan, we have the greatest luxury marketplace in the world.That is a lot of rich folk. PS: This comes from a company called IXI that tracks 9 trillion dollars in investible asse... 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
There is a lot of disinformation out there. The last significant recession in 1981 was marked by 11 percent unemployment and interest rates of 19%. We are currently at 8.5% and interest rates are at .35%. Much of our contraction comes from a false... 
Integrated Amp - Looking to replace my amp & pre
Lots of good ones out there in your price range. Here are some uniformly rated components for build quality and performance of sound: Exposure 2010, LFD Zero III,McIntosh 6300, Plinius 9200, Bryston SS100, NAIM5i and their new NS. 
The Best CDs to Give as Presents
Death Metal from Norway. 
Top Alternative Rock Albums of 2008
Here are some 2008 albums that are in heavy rotation in the house at the moment and also keepers:The Dodos--try "Park Song"Japanese Motors--try "Single fin"--Television meets Beach Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!The Sea and Cake--try everything off Car AlarmThe ... 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
SgrHow about a stack of Marshall amps playing at 11.I doubt highly a $45k speaker can replicate a 1 to 3 million sound system.I would love to get some of the drugs you were on. 
man do I miss Tower records and
Second what Audiohifilia says--oldest continuous swapmeet for music in LA 
Your average size city apartment deserves speaker
Try ATC 11s with a nice 100 watt amp. 
Peachtree Nova , Dac 1 Pre, Bel Canto Dac 3?
Music Hall announced a new DAC at CES that has a warm versus lean sound. I think you will start seeing favorable reviews--it had a nice buzz.I think this will pair nicely with a nice clean amp and efficient speakers like the Peachtree/ERA combo. I... 
Speaker for low volume listening with high WAF
A mistress and an iPod. I also am a big fan of ATC 7s with a nice amp. 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
The ones I shoplifted. Cheap--very cheap. Great sound for the money. 
mid fi choices NAD vs Adcom vs Rotel ... $400
FivefastAgree with Bokfudo. NAD makes exceptional stuff. I have a 3020-based amp that has been problem free for 20 years.Here are some systems that sound fantastic on a budget. I have built these for my children, auditioned them or I own them.Digi... 
whats the finest recorded cd you've heard?
Paul Kelly, May 1992. I also collect bootlegs. Purple Chick has done an incredible job with the Beatles Catalog that put their official releases to shame.