

Responses from bombaywalla

Outboard crossover? Why not?
erik_squires504 posts08-25-2016 11:14am@bombaywalla The Apogee's had no real speaker cabinet though, did they? :) I mean, it was one giant magnet frame. yes, essentially correct. The cabinet was very wide & about 3 inches thick. And it was ... 
Outboard crossover? Why not?
back then Apogee Diva ribbon speakers used to have an external passive x-over. I agree with erik_squires re. the adv of external passive (& active) x-overs.i also agree that not all passive internal x-overs are bad or compromised. There are se... 
RMAF 2016
czarivey3,168 posts08-23-2016 3:43pmI’m not sure how to do ’horning’, but I’m sure if I stick some of those Samantha Fox posters with big juggs onto cabinettes of my speakers they may possibly become horny.LOL, czarivey!there is actually a company... 
Does the heat an amp puts out have any effect on the sound quality ?
Does how hot an amp runs have any effect on sound quality ?Or is this only a concern for the longevity of the amp? I have an old Harmon Kardonamp that supposedly puts out 60 watts at 8 ohms and has 30 amps of current.when purchasing I was compar... 
Volume Control setting corresponds to how many db down (-db) from 0db at full volume?
thanks Almarg.But the larger question I would raise about all of this is what's the point?let's hope the OP chimes in here & let's us know what is on his mind re. this..... 
Volume Control setting corresponds to how many db down (-db) from 0db at full volume?
guys, i was thinking about this topic this morning & tell me why this won't work: elunkenheimer should use a voltmeter & measure the average voltage on the speaker binding posts (of amp or speaker - better at the speaker as it will take in... 
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland
I've heard some Boulder amps & preamps. the one that i remember - in the preamp there was optical coupling & the power amp was some 2' deep (maybe even deeper) driving Avalon Acoustics speakers. Heard these in a dealer's showroom. Not impr... 
Volume Control setting corresponds to how many db down (-db) from 0db at full volume?
yeah, Almarg, you are correct - the xfer fn of a power amp is linear. don’t know what I was thinking when i wrote that??? ;-) thanks for catching this.re. VU meters - the manual of my vintage Yamaha says that the response time is 1uS. I don't thin... 
Volume Control setting corresponds to how many db down (-db) from 0db at full volume?
I’ve wanted to be able to estimate how many watts my amps are driving as it corresponds to my preamp’s volume control setting. More specifically with a typical volume control having a rotational range from say 7:00 o’clock around to 5:00 o’clock, ... 
Bi-amping Rules
But gain aside, I still don't quite understand the need for an outboard crossover to control the frequency between the HF and LF sections since both amps are feeding full range and each section of the speaker still operates within its own desi... 
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland
inna OP2,229 posts08-15-2016 6:16pmNo no no, it's a dream. ach so! yeah, dream big..... :-) 
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland
Thank you. Which one would I choose based only on your description? After some struggle - Ypsilon.welcome!The Ypsilon mono amp i heard was the SET 100 Ultimate Hybrid amp, 120W/ch. Errrr..............it's priced at $125,000 per pair!!!http://www.a... 
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland
Symphonic Line would certainly be in the mix as well. Not a well known brand but their Kraftwerk line is definitely something to consider as well. While not cheap it is not a King’s ransom either relative to some of the astronomical prices of the ... 
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland
Bombaywalla, though you heard all those amps with different speakers, could you try to describe the differences between them, particular character of each? I am especially curious about Gryphon and Ypsilon. We are talking about superb amps, on the... 
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland
inna OP2,222 posts08-15-2016 2:00pmThese three brands appear to be very popular among both audiophiles and not. I am interested in the experience of those who auditioned other amps that seemed a step or two above. This thread is not about asking a...