

Responses from bombaywalla

best cartridge for MMF-7, stock tonearm,below1000
What a waste of time!If you really have money to spend, then the order of spending in vinyl that'll get you to a much higher plane is turntable, tonearm & lastly cartridge. Don't waste your money on a new cart. when the factory supplied Eroica... 
Does anyone rember how to calculate impedance?
Gregadd,Your question is rather open-ended as you simply say that you are putting speakers in parallel & speakers in series. You do not mention anything about the type of speaker being used.As you might remember, speaker impedance is freq. dep... 
ultimate final word 3 on best passive preamp
During Christmas 2003 I had the opportunity to hear the ASL T1-DT, which costs $495. I personally felt that this little passive pre was very transparent & rendered the music with a lot of soul. I did not get a chance to hear its big brother T2... 
Wadia Owner - with or without preamp
Thomas,Eigentlich, was ist ein "digital volume pot"?? Danke.(Wadia veraendert das volume mit ein DSP Technik) 
Wadia Owner - with or without preamp
A similar thread came up on 8/15/04 but it was re. the Wadia 302. Here is the link & my post on the subject:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ddgtl&1092614797&openusid&zzBombaywalla&4&5#BombaywallaHope that it helps. 
Forth Order Noise Shaping?.........
Skushino,Thanks for your kind words! You ask a tough question! Nyquist rate converters & over-sampled converters are 2 quite diff. beasts with very little in common except for they perform the same function - D-->A. Diff. design tecniques a... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Eagleman6722,Ok! I now see what YOU mean by "analytical". OK, each time I read "analytical" in your text, I'll substitute it with my equivalent word for it - "discriminating". To me "analytical" means somebody critically dissecting the sound into ... 
Forth Order Noise Shaping?.........
Pragmatist,I have not heard of the pro CD player you allude to but...."Fourth order noise shaping" refers to the sigma-delta DAC that it appears to be using.The term "noise shaping" is used for a class of DACs called over-sampled data converters (... 
How to burn CD with CD text?
Just FYI, "Record Now" is a program by Veritas software. I have it on my IBM laptop - comes default. Seems like IBM & Veritas have a biz link-up. I really like the "Record Now" software. Each disc that I have burned w/ it, has come thru i.e. w... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
I'm sorry Eagleman67722 but I disagree w/ your point (2).IMHO, analytical listening is exactly what will drive people away from audio! One needs to do analytical listening but only when setting up the system i.e. buying the gear, placing it, speak... 
equitech vs. BPT
I dug up something from the archives for you as this was discussed sometime back. Audiogon member "labtec" did some extensive research on these 2 companies (as is alluded to in his post). You might want to contact him as well.http://forum.audiogon... 
How do you know if a cable is neutral?
or.....from Switzerland! 
Record Cleaning Machines
Yes, I believe you guys! I have the VPI 16.5 & I think that it is average. I've had it for over 2 yrs now & cleaning 2nd-hand LPs is a royal PITA with this machine. Sometimes 5 times is not enough! I give up & just listen with the pops... 
Any experience with Gryphon amps ?
Frank,Thanks! I couldn't remember exactly & was doubtful when I wrote the weight (hence the >100 lbs! ;-) ). I have a pix of the amp in my mind's eye & yes, it certainly looked like a 200 pounder with some very sharp cooling fins! 
Any experience with Gryphon amps ?
I've heard an all-Gryphon system when I was back home in Bombay this Feb. The power amp was the Gryphon Antillean Signature. A beast at > 100lbs of weight. 150W/ch all of it pure class-A. Beautiful sound. I wrote a very small synopsis of my exp...