
Responses from boldstrummer

Tivoli CD player
I too have the model 1, and I love it. As for the model cd, take a look at the reviews on amazon - looks like you're lucky if it even works! Definitely cute though. Teac has a similarly nice "looking" line. 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
David Russell. Immaculate taste/interpretaions, glorious tone, all in one of classical guitar's finest technicians. Nobody is ever the best, but Russell's cds will always be appreciated by someone. 
Favourite Guitar CDs
Pragmatist, Mfkeleher, Fab4fan: Segovia and Parkening are good but...As a concert guitarist myself, I can't afford too much high-end equipment but I know who can play the guitar, here are a few of my favorites in no order: David Russell, Assad Bro... 
Calling all acoustic guitar fans...
David Russell on Telarc. Russell is one of the few true guitar virtuosos, and it is really great that such a fine guitarist is recognized by a label with such high production standards. There are many to choose from, all great, but for someone who... 
2-channel pre-amp and dedicated processor?
Radio Shack makes an Audio Selector box model # 42-2112, 1/5 the price of a Niles' box. It has 3 ins and 1 out, but because it is passive, you can also use it backwards. 
Bi-amping: y-adaptors or two sets of outputs?
What are the best y-adaptors for the job? I'm currently using monster 1000i interconnects with monster ihpy-1f y-adaptors. I think monster describes them as having 3 db loss. Is there anything better?