
Responses from boeing

Review: Nordost QX4 AC filter
Hello Sir, I too am running the Thor , how have you connected the QX4 ,veering away from the topic, I see that you have heard the Metronome Kalista, would you be having any experience with the new Calypso reference transportCheers! 
Zensati Cables
Kennyt , that may have been the intent of it all, but m not sure it's a fix. 
Zensati Cables
Strange indeed David12 , do keep us posted if you happen to try the Zensati cables in your personal rig. 
Tidal Speakers owners
Hi Guys , did anybody get a chance to listen to the Agoria @Munich 2012. Looks one classy transducer , it does! 
MBL6010S vs Vitas SL101
I can solve one part of the equation... I have no great exposure to MBL 6010, except at a dealers show room , so I shall refrain on commenting about it. The Vitus SL -101 is one however that I had in residence for close to 2 years. I found it be a... 
Vitus MP-D201
Thanks Team. Would you remember the rest of the chain @home system? 
MBL6010S vs Vitas SL101
The SL 101 is a one box pre which has been discontinued. Is it the MP -L 201 that you are taking about? 
Esoteric K-01
Anybody compared the Esoteric K-01 to the Burmester 089 yet ? Feedback would be appreciated. 
Spectral Preamps better than Accuphase Preamps?
I am currently using the Vitus SL-101 and i agree with Larry Diaz... it is a warm , smooth , rich sounding pre with great resolution....... 
Nordost Pulsar Points -Anybody Tried Them?
Alexsee... yes i have compared the both. I feel the titanium pulsar points to provide better leading edge definition and spacing of notes than the cerapucs. The cerapucs probably may give you more a sense of power and fullness of bass at the expen... 
Best Integrated for JM Labs Micro Utopia BE
I am running the Miro Be s with a Jadis DA88s integrated . Its an absolute match made in heaven, rich detailed sound and fantastic imaging.It does take well to tubes