
Responses from bobf

Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
"Perfect Cable" may be just be the best descriptionI've heard 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
clio09-I assume you must have some?What cables did you compare the GG's against before you went with them? 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Soundstage,depth of field,height of stage,detail,bass and even greater tonality and textures which these cables are becoming famous for occur after the 300 hour mark.As I initially stated when I started this thread I was comparing the GG Extremes ... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
audiobb- I concur that the cables do take a bit of time to break-in ,however,I never found them bright or to be light in the bass even in their infancy.I also concur easily the best cables I also ever owned. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
I think member budburma's description of the sonic character of the Gabriel Golds was extracted directly from my brain. Respectfully here's his remarks if you missed them " To my ear and in my experience, the Gabriel Golds are the best cable on th... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
clio09- I know what mean about un-natural and enhanced detail.It's gets very fatigueing and at times down right annoying.I did something similar,I started off with (2) Extremes then picked up one Revelation and eventually went to all Revelations.I... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
After moving from the Stealth Indra to the Gabriel Gold Extreme to Gabriel Gold Revelation interconnect my next step was to give the Extreme speaker wire a shot.The Stealth MLT bi-wire run I was using were working really well, and the system sound... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
It's good to know that there are cables out there that canfinally offer the type of 3 dimensionality as the Gabriel Golds.I have a dedicated and treated room and have the luxury of speaker placement.Not everyone has such an option ,most have a lim... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
clio09-what do you think of the Gabriel Gold Revelations?Are they burnt in yet.Awaiting your thoughts against some of the other cables you've referred to.Don't mean to pressure you!!!!! 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
jmcgrogan2-I was wondering what version of the Extremes you were listening to?(Eichmann connectors?) From what I've gathered from this thread the member you refer borrowing cables from(Art who I have also conversed with) had his interconnects modi... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
I've got a Revelation AC cord and one of the earlier Extreme cords .I talked to Steve recently and asked him why the Revelation cord was pulled from the product list in the ads.I was told that The Revelation AC Cord could still be made but it is n... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
I was using the Stealth MLT speaker wire with the 2 Stealth Indra's before I discovered the Gabriel Gold cables a few years back.I first switched out 1 pair of Indra for a pair of the Extremes and heard a marked improvement in tonality,depth,layer... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
geojap???? if you don't have many hours on the GG's then you are NOT making an accurate assessment.The GG's are really going to shake you up once they break-in.You watch !!!! 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
I have heard that that the new AC cords are going to be called the Rapture.I can't imagine him making a better sounding IC than the Revelation,but then again I didn't think it could better than the Extreme. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Elsneb * your decription is right on the money.It is scary how these cables do exactly that.They let every instrument take on it's true natural character and conveys and maintains this throughout the preformance no matter how complexed the recordi...