Responses from bobbyapalkovic
Merlin Fan's-What VSM is best bang for buck???? chazzbo,a late se has the same cabinet and port alignment as the millennium. so a late se or a millennium can be upgraded all the way up to the present models.good luck,bobby@merlin | |
Ars Sonum / Merlin TSM-MX??? dave, i think what paul was really trying to say was that the fila amp is ideal/as good as it gets in many respects.the amp has less than a 20 damping factor and less than 6 degrees of feedback which are both right on the money for the vsm needs. ... | |
Merlin Upgrade Experience howard,you are pulling the string off topic.your question? a non issue at a responsible volume level.b | |
Merlin Upgrade Experience hi paul,top those? lol!it is my opinion that they are now at the pinnacle of their performance. i know i have said it before but i really doubt that they can be improved on.certainly not in the near future anyway.the cat jl2, i have an incredible ... | |
Merlin VSM-Mx with super BAM hi m148b,the super bam is an improved version of the bam. it offers a new external digital switching power supply, higher potential battery pack by 30%, nichicon muse series charging caps in the internal power supply and a reduction by 30% of the ... | |
What amp should be used with merlin vsm's? george,manley snappers are used by many and they sound rich, powerful and very balanced. i can strongly recommend them to anyone wanting a more weighted presentation. the berning is lighter and faster and a little more airy, this will appeal to ma... | |
Merlin Upgrade Experience i would also like to ad that the vsm gen 1, 2, 3 and vsm se with bam were meant to be used with softer sounding se tube electronics. latter to current versions sound very different and are better suited to a wider range of electronics. best regard... | |
Merlin Upgrade Experience marty's speakers were indeed late vsm ses. since the cabinet material and port alignment were the same as current production, we could cryo the networks and with the lead free e mod, took his pair to the vsm mxe level. we also upgraded his bam to ... | |
amps for Merlin VSM-MXE forgive me for budding in,the bass of the vsm is partially controlled by the bandpass filtration in the bam. since the woofer's fs is 28 hz and x-mechanical is one full inch, there is a great and obvious potential to decrease power handling/increa... | |
Review: Merlin Music Systems VSM MMe Speaker thank you very much jb, just saw this!happy easter!b | |
Upgrade from Merlin VSM-M to What? howard,agreed as this string keeps coming up and going in a different direction. perhaps stereo should have considered getting another amp which would have allowed him to utilize the vsm's potential in the areas where they shine and the subs too f... | |
JM Reynaud Trente to GMA Callisto or Merlin TSMMe? af,i appreciate the fact that you are entitled to your opinion but please tell everyone here where you had a chance to audition the tsm mme?yo2,you may want to tell us what your system is comprized of, room size and your musical pleasure. and even... | |
Upgrade from Merlin VSM-M to What? p and t,just consider that the unit uses cryoed hovlands (along with a cardas pc and terminals) like your speakers! then think about its sound potential with its design in regards to the vsm's needs.this is not for everyone, certainly.but it is re... | |
Upgrade from Merlin VSM-M to What? the jumpers that come with the speakers are cardas radially wound crossfield copper litz and the correct gauge/dc to make the balance of the tweeter and woofer, right. by going to a bigger gauge you will decrease the dc resistance and allow the tw... | |
Atmasphere Novacron MA1.5 amp with Merlin VSMSE hi michael,your preamp selection really depends on the whether you will use the quads or go with the atmas. the atmas work best with an atma pre and the quads would probably sound best being fleshed out a hair if they are stock. there are a number... |