
Responses from bob_rodgers

Subwoofer match for Harbeth 30.1
Thanks all-Looks like everybody is thinking along the same lines. I'll check into the Vandersteen 2WQ as well.Let me know if anyone has any specific RELs that would match up best. I've been looking at the older B Series, but think that maybe a sea... 
Best Tannoys for mid-field listening?
Great responses - yep!FYI, my current rig is Karan KAi180 Mk2 integrated amp, JMR Offrande Supreme Mk2 standmount speakers, using Meridian CD as source and AU24 wire.The Offrandes are most everything I could desire in a speaker, except they don't ... 
Best Tannoys for mid-field listening?
Thanks all for the helpful tips. Keep them coming! Alberto, to clarify what I meant by not "resolving," the treble was too bright, and didn't seem to blend seamlessly with mids. I always had the feeling that if I was somehow able to back up a few ... 
Best Tannoys for mid-field listening?
Hi Kiddman-My Glenairs were about 2-3' out from the back wall, about 8' apart on either side of my fireplace, and my listening position was about 9' away, right in-between the speakers. I can't think of a more correct setup - the tweets and woofer... 
Best speaker firing across short dimension of room
Thanks for the great responses - keep 'em coming! From my limited knowledge, the Raidho D1 and Magico Q1 are both pretty steeply priced - aren't they?Xti16 - Are the Dyn C1 Sigs the second generation of C1s? I heard that they sound better now at l... 
Integrated amp choice for JMR Offrande Supreme V2
Xpekt - would you elaborate regarding the Euphya Alliance 280 and the Offrandes? 
Integrated amp choice for JMR Offrande Supreme V2
Great responses all - thanks! Keep 'em coming!-Bob 
Integrated amp choice for JMR Offrande Supreme V2
Hi Chuck - thanks for the response. Have you heard the combination? Why would it be a good match?-Bob 
Audio Research VSi60 integrated reliability?
I've owned a VSI60 for over a year and it's an awesome sounding, reliable amp. I'd recommend it highly for it's price/performance - even better sounding with the new KT120 tubes. 
Is the ARC VSi60 a good match with Quad 2805s?
Hi 5560-I currently own the Vsi60 but have not heard it with the Quads. It puts out lots more grunt than you think it would, especially with the new KT120 tubes, so I think you'd be okay.A better choice, in my opinion, would be the EAR 899 integra... 
Foam plugs for Proac Response 3.8?
Sparks-They are already such a large speaker with spread-out drivers, I'd think that they're probably not designed to work in the nearfield. Bringing them out another foot would place them about 8-9' from the listener and 3' from the back wall. I ... 
Foam plugs for Proac Response 3.8?
Thanks for the responses, 'goners.To answer your questions:-Tpreaves, yes - it'd be an easy thing to try.-Nicotico, I suppose you could call my room sparsely furnished, but it does have heavy drapes behind the listening position, a carpeted area, ... 
Chapman Audio Systems T-77 speakers
I own the Chapman T8s presently, powered by an EAR 899 class A integrated amp. These are "end-of-the-line," full range monitors that have it all -- imaging, transparency, coherence, musicality, etc. They sound great with all genres of music as wel... 
Any gemme tanto v2 owners out there?
Hi all. I own the Tanto v1 and just love them! I've had good results with both Tubes and SS integrateds -- started with a Graaf GM50B tube, moved to a Gamut SI-100 SS, and now am using an EAR/Yoshino 988. Each one of them has had their own signatu... 
Gemme Audio Tanto V2
I just bought a pair of used Tanto V1 here on Audiogon and couldn't be happier with the sound. I've been driving them with my favorite integrated of all time, the KT90-based push-pull Graaf GM50B, but I'm also going to try them with a Gamut SS int...