

Responses from bo1972

We have a modified a Onkyo NS-6170. In shootouts it outperformed the most epensive SACD players of Marantz even with 16 bit 44.1 khz recordings. Audio is all about effectness and result. 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
When people buy an Audioquest cable we ask them for all the details of their system before we sell anything. We don’t sell Audioquest as a cable or product.We make it an important part of the whole system. We advice those cables which  will crea... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
Tru-Fi means we create both sound&vision based on the properties they own. For the following reason; so people can experience both sound&vision at a superior level in emotion and realism.I give an example, a new client of mine who sees aud... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
The problem in the level you can get out of any Audioquest powercable is limited by the wrong choices of people.For example; we tested many powerconditioners and most are incomplete in properties. When you connect a Hurricane to it you can use a l... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
Prices are different in the US. I got many emails of people overhere  about Audioquest cables in the last months. So I talked about this with Audioquest. There is a good change I can deliver Audioquest directly in the US soon. We sell a lot mor... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
When audio would be done a lot more precise and honest many more people could have a great system. It has nothing to do with money.All the research I did, it proofs that it can be created with prices many people can afford. But......we live in a w... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
I am always here just for a short period of time. When I read the comments on the threads it proofs people are still focusing on products and brands. And they all think it is still 1980, it always makes me smile and amazed how limited the level is... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
Dear G,i just looked in your comments and could see that you have the insight in audio at the level of a child. And maybe you don't like to read it, which I understand. But....it is the truth. I understand that this is hard to hear, but  it is as... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
No incomplete audiosystem can make any person in the world happy for a long period of time. Based on the fact that this is how our emotion works.People with trial and error systems make changements all the time. But when it is not able to experien... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
I only write things when I can proof it by sound. It is that simple. There is no doubleganger. Just one to make things simple for all the trial and error people who have a nice incomplete audiosystem.The born losers with their trail and error limi... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
Audio is all about sound. And sound is build on properties. This has nothing to do with personal taste. What is the biggest nonsense in the world and even based on facts.When you are a child you believe in Santa Claus, but after time they tell you... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
New research created new levels in sound. I use an Audioquest Dragon high current on my Platinum subwoofer including the improved Statement Audio Pro measurement. It creates a new level in sound what I never auditioned before.One of the big limita... 
What is an excellent power cable?
All people overhere talk about brands and products. But when you have no idea what the properties are of each individual part in your system you will never have any idea which one will be the best.Beside this the acoustics and other parts (like sm... 
Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?
In the beginning of 2015 I started to do new research in electricity. In 2002 I already started to test powercables, and mann they can make a huge improvement.You need to maximise everthing first before you can use powercables at the max. You need... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
have fun with your trial and error system I would say!