

Responses from bo1972

Wilson Sasha
Yessss roomacoustic gives the many times the biggest problems. I am in audio busienss since 1998, and in the last two years I did a lot of testing roomacoustic systems. These days I use Audessey Pro. I did a lot of testing. I use different hights ... 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
Nordost first only started from 2m with there powercables. We did test some wenn they were cut in two. And yes it changed a lot. Valhalla 1 metre has a different overwhole sound than 2 metre. They said; we never will sell shorter lengts than 2 met... 
B&W 801N and Bryston match
The main problem of your speaker is the N tweeter. I owned the 802N as well. It can become harsh sometimes. You need a warm en controlled amp. New tweeters are superior to the N tweeter. More authority, less harsh much more open en more resolution... 
Wilson Sasha
Not possible, it will give a lot of acoustic problems. In the time I did consulting I met a few people with Wilson Watt puppy's. I still don't understand why people love these speakers. they had all the same problems. Wenn they play dynamic music ... 
B&W 801N and Bryston match
I sold my Nautilus 800S in 2009. The person who bought it had a Bryston 7B. It was a great match in control and focus. There is one thing Nautilus and Bryston as well are not good at and this is Depth and 3d. Main reason why I sold the 800S. Wenn ... 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
Yesterday I received the Purist Audio LE 2013 powercable. I will write a review soon only about this cable. To be unnest it is a different price range than the Valhalla powercabel. Beside this it is superior to a Valhalla powercable. It is even su... 
Krell FPB 350Mcx's enough for THIEL 7.2's + CS5i's
Very nice mono's, I heard them with Sonus Faber Amati. This was the only time I heard the Amati well controlled. Control of these amps are very good! 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
Nordost can give extra resolution ( details) compared to other brands. But.......it needs to be put in the right place. So......you need individual focus. Wenn you use beside the Nordost loudspeakercable a Nordost interconnect.....you will never i... 
Focal Scala or Diablos with subs?
In the past I sold Tact, to be unnest I never was convinced about the quality. The lyngdorf makes a big misstake. The sound is loosing it's emotion. People even call it dead. Audessey Pro give a more musical sound. The test I did with the Velodyne... 
What powercable for a Linn Majik CD?
So have to know how much money you would want to spend on a cdplayer and powercabnel togheter. Do not forget that most brands will stop with spinners in 2015. I sold my Meridian 800Daxv4. I will not spend a lot of money on it. A few highend stream... 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
A friend of mine had a small concertroom for 60 people with a Steynway wing. Acoustic instruments with 2 or 3 people max. There In learned how direct and small in dimension a voice or instrument is in real. So I always control of the images is in ... 
Best AQ speaker cables for Unico and Opera?
For the moeney it's a good cable. Look for a cable what is on the AQ list now. Buy it used and you can't go wrong. 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
The last thing I want to say about Nordost is that people and also Nordost it self needs to learn to use the properties better and more secure. You need to know what it is capable of and what are the flaws. Yess it can improve some important parts... 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
'" Garebear" I will let you know I promiss, Bobby 
Best AQ speaker cables for Unico and Opera?
I sold AQ in the past and again since 2 years. I would only recommand the latest cables from AQ. The difference is in my opinion big. Foccus is a lot better and the stage is deeper. Overwhole there is a lot more autorithy. Older AQ are oke, but no...