

Responses from bo1972

Class A Watts
For me Pass Labs makes the best overwhole sound for amp's. It is better in timing and drive compared to most tube amp's. But you still have the warm musical sound. Like tube it gives a very deep and wide stage. With many tube amps I Always miss so... 
Cables more hype than value?
I mean Audioquest Oak loudspeakercable. 
Cables more hype than value?
I sold MIT cables and I owned the most expensive Powercables. The problem of MIT is that they can give a wide and deep stage. But the individual focus of instruments and voices is not sharp as in real. Avalon users are told thay they should use MI... 
Cables more hype than value?
Audio will always be a personal thing. You cannot think for others. Respect them, you don't have to agree with eachother. But be polite. I have my own opinion as well. At the end it is about what you hear. In the last 10 years I did a lot of blind... 
Class A Watts
My earlier XA100.5 monoblock's from Pass were superior in drive and dynamics compared to my modified Nu-Vista 300 poweramp from Musical fidelity which gave more than 2 times 350 watt by 8 ohm. 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
There are many different flavours and that's a very positive thing. And yess you can choose your own stuff to make it even more your own personal sound. Every speaker will Always have there own sound and how the image is projected. There is one th... 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
I live in Holland.I am addicted to music since I was 6. It is not about my system. I am thinking in tools. An amp, source, cable, speaker etc is a tool for me. I label all tools. All parts were you Judge a sound system at I call the properties/tal... 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
The level what I have at home is so stunning, that it is very easy to let people hear what a 3 dimensional image is. Like it is easy to make Avalon owners aware about the difference in touchabel image. We are talking about superior difference. The... 
Need Help finding Speakers Budget 20,000 US
A speaker is a personal matter. Another person never can choose for you. Because they dod not know your preference. Take your time and listen to many speakers. At the end you will find one what fits best to you. It is that simple!! 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
Many dealers sell the brands they have. These days the prefer what delivers the most money. I am only interested in the best sound for a client. Ayre has not the same quality as Pass Labs. Stage is less wide, and less deep. The sound realism is no... 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
I listen to many many Avalon speakers. As well the Eidolons and the Diamonds. Yesss they need room, but that is not the problem. I have doubts about the sound, but I Always say: sound is a personal matter. Beside this; I like the shape and how it ... 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
To be honnest I saw them at shows a few times. They did not wake my attention. I se you use Tact. I sold it and to be honnest it is not that good. I sold the Millenium to one of my best friends. 2 months ago I apologized to him to say: witht the k... 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
There are only a few brands who are exeptional good in a very sharp individual focus. Many make instruments too big. Audioquest and Purist Audio are one of the few who can give a very intimate focus like in real. I listened a few times to the Eido... 
Kimber KS 3035 vs Nordost Valhalla speaker cables
Read my review:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?fcabl&1365764680&openmine&zzBo1972&4&5#Bo1972I owned the valhalla for over 12 years and I sold them as well. I still sell Kimber. There both fine, but in technique there bo... 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2
With classical music I never liked Avalon. Because the sound of instruments is a lot different in real. I also use the word 'thin'in de mid freq. The other thing is dat the stage is deep and wide but within this stage instruments and voices are ne...