

Responses from bo1972

Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
I had the luck that I could be busy with audio 80 hours a week. I had the freedom to use everything we sold. I had in 1999 already a highend system what was a lot more expensive than the products we sold.But I could lend everything I wanted from d... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
geoffkait understands it very well. And yes portable audio with a headphone is a lot easier to create a stunning level in sound without acoustic limitations.When I audition a more expensive Astell&Kern (even a SP1000) with a Jerry Harvey aud... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
When I judge all the other roomacoustic systems there are, I would not even used one of them. In my world they are all useless based on Tru-Fi.The facts proof the way they measure and the systems they use, they all have too many limitations.So wha... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
I have always had contact with different  specialists since 1998. Without these people I would never had been so far as we are now at this moment. I needed their insight  and knowledge to be able to understand sound as in its entirety.The biggest ... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
Audio is a profession but most people who work in this would have never understood that. Maybe I never met any person who spend that much time as I did in over 20 yaers of time.That is not the problem or you cannot blame them. But doing both sound... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
And yes the acoustic has the biggest influence on sound and stage. In the Tru-Fi world acoustic limitations are gone. When we visit a new client or we go to an audio show we go back in time for 20 years of time.It looks like they all have been sle... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
I will try to explain it. All people who sell audio products have a totally different focus than I have. It is not even comparable. They all work by trail and error. So they all connect a Lumin with an amp, loudspeakers and cables togheter.And aga... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
The greatest thing about Tru-Fi is that it creates a level in quality what is affordable for many more people. It proofs that you can get a system what brings you closer to the music for a lot less money.People have no idea how much the acoustic, ... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
Audio is all about sound. And sound contains of different properties. We are not talking about rocket science.Tru-Fi proofs on facts that people use their systems a lot more and even for a much longer time at the same moment. The biggest limitatio... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
The thing I love most about audio is outperforming. A born perfectionist always wants to win and outperform all other competitors.Audio works by shootout. And each human being will always choose the sound what influence their emotion the most. Tha... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
Each product and even brands own their DNA. When you look at the differerent aspects/propertis of sound, we can extract each single product on the DNA it owns.Most audio products cannot reveal all the different aspects of sound. Because they do no... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
I have done thousands of tests in audio in over 20 years of time. I never met a person so far who also works in audio for over 20 years of time with the same level in effort and time in research in audio.Audio never has been my work. Music is not ... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
You need to learn to look further............why you should sell products which are not the best in each single price tag?If I buy something I want the best quality for the money I spend. This is what we give all our clienst. I can garantee you th... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
I sold many many Lumin’s in over 3 years of time. I sold the most Lumin L1 drives compared to any other shop who also sells Lumin.Audio is all about shootout. And each single person wants that sound what is superior to any other quality.I have man... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
I have done thousands of tests in audio in over 20 years of time now. This is for me just as addictive as music is for me. We also did a lot of reasearch in ethernet cables. We put the same music from the same computer with different ethernet cabl...