

Responses from bo1972

Best Class A amp with SLAM
I sold and owned powercables of MIT for over 6 years of time. In the last months I had a few clients with MIT and I did comparison with AQ cables. Next weekend I will have a client with MIT as well. We will compare his MIT interconnects and powerc... 
What are you 'TRULY' Looking for in Loudspeaker...
The speaker who disappears fully. So it is just you and the music. Like the singer and instruments play in front of you. The speaker which also can let you hear a lot of depth and wide. Every instrument and voice is standing full loose from eachot... 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
It is as it is, hearing is believing!! 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
I am not a technician. They are great technician. I am addicted to music since I was 6. They do totally different things, like they are better in developing. I am happy that these people are here to bring us much better sound quality. I started in... 
Replace Silver interconnect cable , please advice
The Focal speaker use very good crossovers. So you have the room to create a wide and deep stage. Good silver makes it more open en also can create a deep and wide stage. Good silver is expensive. For example I use both the Audioquest Sky and the ... 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
All I can say Audyssey need to be used extreme precise. You need to do many many measurements to find out yourself. The people of Audyssey are smart people. But I think differently and I use it differently. My focus is on how much dynamics I can m... 
Replace Silver interconnect cable , please advice
Brands like Audioquest, Cardas, Transparent and taralabs all give a better sharp focus with Pass labs. I like Audioquest a lot cause of the timing and stunning blacks. There are more which are able to give a sharp focus 
Nordost Valhalla 2 announced
In America there are many more brands compared to what we have in Europe. I heared many new Nordost cables at shows, but not the Valhalla 2 yet. I still hear the same limitations. Individual focus and depth is an important part for a stunning leve... 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
We measure at totally different places and hights. This gives superior dynamics and endresults compared to how Audyssey use it. I have done many tests before I knew how to use it. Ofcourse I keep this for myself. I have a big advantage compared to... 
Nordost Valhalla 2 announced
I auditioned the Odin also a few times. It is not my cable. Because you still miss a few important parts which need to be there. I had these discussions many times with the people of Nordost. One thing they improved; a more relaxt sound. But you s... 
Nordost Valhalla 2 announced
I owned the Valhalla for about 12 years of time. I bought the new 2013 Audioquest Redwood bi-wire. I was surprised that it beat the Valhalla in every aspect you Judge a cable for.http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?fcabl&1365764680&ope... 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
The difference between XT32 and Audyssey Pro ( how I use it) is even bigger than buying an extra poweramp of 3000 dollar beside it. 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
I said it before, I have nothing to hide! 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
I do not own a shop, and yes I do consulting. I worked for over 8 years in a shop. Consulting is about freedom. I only wanted to sell what is the best in every price range. Clients get more value for money and it is very easy to compete. 
Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
Marantz changed the level in parts they use for there amps and sources. This changed the sound and quality a lot. In the past I sold a lot Marantz. But these days I am not such a fan anymore. Onkyo made the same misstake as Marantz. But there is o...