
Responses from blindjim

What’s really hurting the audio hobby?
@mwatsmegood point (s) is a brave new world and those under 40 as was said, seem to care less about audio fidelity despite streaming services that are offering more and more HD content.unless of course this demographics upper tier ec... 
what's your Desert Island Tube amp & speakers
@curiousjim If we’re going to have tube amps, we’re going to need to power them.  Just sayin.JD plese see above in orig post: unlike gilligan's island, this island has electricity Don't ask, this is part of the dream sequence.also see......brough... 
what's your Desert Island Tube amp & speakers
Cornscalas... now there's a hands on project for whiling away some island hours.nice.  
what's your Desert Island Tube amp & speakers
dGood call! 
Happy 4th of July
a group of drunken rebels had the foresight and resolve to undertake what they referred to as an ‘experiment’ by getting out from under the thumbs of oppression by seceeding from  Brittan and a 22 year old erudite potentate, King George III, with ... 
Speaker recommendation thread (Organised by tiers of price)
not having read the complete thread, one should be aware that right after digital tech, speaker tech moves along rather quickly.meaning each year there will be new contestants, or new itterations of whatever past models as many are revised often.I... 
which car is sitting in your listening room?
@rodman99999d>in. Never was much for Ford, but- ALWAYS drooled over Caroll’s Cobras(ACs, that is)! He had his fingers in the Ford GT/GT40 leg-wetters too. AHHHH, the Sixties(high octane/compression, no cats/emission controls and lead rocked)!I ... 
which car is sitting in your listening room?
FYI... and just because for clarity sake....the car you post is the supposed equivilant of the cost of your stereo rig.Clear?yeah.. I did say what would or could you shoot for, figuring on reasonable real world expenditures you can and will make g... 
which car is sitting in your listening room?
expensive bicycle lolExcellent!!I began with a pr of BW towers a Sony Carosel CD changer and a Sony ES HT receiver, or essentially a 1981 F150 300ci straight six PU.once I landed here things improved.some BAT gear, Von S towers and a Sony SCD xa 7... 
which car is sitting in your listening room?
Good Call. 
@joscowMore will find out about this lack of support as more people fork over good money for their error prone software which offers no means for resolving client issues .neither has their forum base support been forthcoming despite several posts ... 
@mitchchavis>Thank you. I wish I were as fortunate as yourself in terms of a timely reply.Are there previous versions of A'vana posted online at their site?perhaps I can fix it myself if this is so.Once an update to 3.5 and then .6, I had two v... 
SS DAC's driving tube pre / amp vs ss pre / amp
best input so far is to auditionh whatever at home and be way more confident with your decision.although, if the initial sound was not unattractive I doubt it will be unacceptable in your rig either. the contrary or negative accolades tube gear ... 
I've never believed much in cables, that said... (USB)
@andy>I was wondering the reason audio grade cables are so expensive have likely noticed performance often equates to its cost to purchase.not always is the what ever item littered or filled with unobtaininum or can'taffordiumn.ala, ... 
looking for ideas on must have classical music
@tom>“… TAS..”Great idea! Many thanks. I decided to look for those links at various online mags. which regularly account for music genre reviews.