
Responses from bishopwill

B & W N802's Vs Revel Studios Vs. Mezzo Utopias
I am categorically biased against B&W speakers, which (along with Linn) seem to be to be the hype story of the century. I also own Mezzo Utopias.That makes my recommendation pretty clear...and also pretty biased.will 
How hard is it set up Paradigm Studio/100.
I use the Studio 100 V2 in my HT setup and they are great. As others have noted, though, they are power hogs. I doubt that the receiver you describe will show them off to best advantage.As to room placement, mine are about 40" out into the room (d... 
So you're an audiophile - are you also a musician?
I'm not sure I want to get into this because I really do not want to offend anyone. In my first post, I tried especially not to sound as if I thought that classically trained musicians somehow had a leg up on everyone else when it comes to listeni... 
Remake of "Stairway to Heaven" Blasphemy
When I played it backward I distinctly heard Dolly saying, "Worship my breasts. Worship my breasts."will 
The Legendary ? Infinity IRS V
A friend of mine has a pair driven by Krell electronics that he positively worships. I find them a little flat but, having said that, extremely tonally accurate.will 
So you're an audiophile - are you also a musician?
Royal School of Church Music-trained boy treble (St. Nicholas medalist for you RSCM alumni) but the voice didn't really survive the assault of hormones though I remain an avid choral singer to this day. Studied double reeds through grade school an... 
Woofer damage from new Star Wars THX DVD?
Thanks for your comments, Sean; always helpful.I went back and played the DVD again last night on my Mezzo Utopias (powered by a Belles 350A) and on my Paradigm 100s (Parasound 1500A) with and without VMPS sub (Crown K2). I played them both hellis... 
Anyone ever repaired a smashed dome tweeter?????
Reminds me of a cartoon that one of my music teachers posted on his bulletin board many years ago. Showed a kid with a sousaphone around his neck. The sousaphone is saying to the kid, "Suck, you fool! Blow is a figure of speech!"will 
Are there any absolute truths???
Well said, Albert. Don't overlook other possibilities in that last thirty minutes before the visitor arrives:1. A ground loop hum will appear when you've never had one before.2. The visitor will bring a crying infant and/or a three year old curtai... 
Bringin' that thrift-store smell home
I talked to two members of our local listening group who have large (5000+) vinyl collections. One recommended the same product endorsed by Albert, above. The other uses Fabreze, spraying it lightly over the album covers inside and out, then allow... 
1st song you remember???
My mother reports that the first tune I learned was "Golliwogs Cakewalk" by Debussy. She says that I toddled around the house singing it until she was ready to stuff my diaper in my mouth.will 
Any Opinions on the new MIRAGE OMNI250's?
If soundstage accuracy is not important to you, they may be very satisfying. For HT, though, where localization is quite important, they will demonstrate some limitations.Just my $.02.will 
Alon IVs versus Vandersteen 2CE signatures
If I only listened to chamber music and the like, Vandys would be my choice. You're correct, though, they ARE very laid back and dynamically constrained. Of course, this is all in the ear of the listener. Maxgain is certainly correct when he says ... 
Woofer damage from new Star Wars THX DVD?
I have played this DVD on both my HT system (Paradigm 100 V2 and VMPS Larger Subwoofer) and on my music system (Mezzo Utopias), both at higher levels than I would ever do normally. The Utopia woofers suffered no damage whatsoever and did not botto... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
Your point would be better taken, Zaikesman, had you not voted for Marley!Just raggin' ya, brother.will