
Responses from billyg1

Seeking hot running amps
Clayton Audio. Pure class A 
The Best of the Best Well sort of - CD players
AMR cd-77 
Top ten tube preamps
hovland hp 200 
Best CD between EMM Labs & DCS
Try the abbington music research cd77 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
try clayton audio!!!! pure class a and really gives you the best of both worlds and a true bargain to boot!! the m-300's are awesome 
Preamps w/ best transparency/top end, no brightnes
Hovland Hp 200!! It's awesome 
The best mini monitors you have heard?
check out the escalante fremonts!!!! 
Looking for the next best thing? Underground welco
escalante fremonts 
Heard the Abbingdon Music research CD player?
I also believe that the entire chasse is suppose to act a heat sink so it will get hot but that is by design. I asked the same question at the show in New York. The heat sinks are basically the chasse or something like that but it shouldn't get th... 
Good SS Designers and their lesser known designs
Clayton Audio 
Best MONITORS availables
Escalante Fremonts!! 
peter,where do you guys live? I am also intersted in both the arc and the amr. Did you hear the actual production unit or the beta version? It is my understanding that there are no amr cd77's in the USA yet and all the dealers domestically and in ... 
I thought you said that you had a cd 77 and amp at home for a review and than prefered the arc equipment 
amen to that!!!!! 
I just pay attention to what people write and no matter what is said, someone always interprets what was written incorrectly. I think everyone is entitled to thier own opinion but when it comes to audio equipment proper breakin is required for all...