Responses from bigtee
Audible Illusions M3B or L3 The L-3 is the best sounding preamp AI has come up with yet and I have owned them all. I have always been an AI fan for what they do and the price they sell it for. It is not exactly the same linesatge as the M3b but has been refined somewhat. The... | |
When does Cabling become important in Digital? A big, It depends. I have found using a very good USB cable from my Mac mini to the DAC did make a difference over a cheaper cable. In this case, I started with Audioquest Coffee and went to a AQ Diamond pure silver cable. The difference came in a... | |
Pure Music...Really Bad so far... Try reloading the program and make sure you get 1.89d4 This fixes any iTunes 11 issues.I too use a Mac mini that I upgraded from 4 to 8 gig. If the Mac recognizes the RAM it's fine.I had a big issue when I loaded ITunes 11. It just wouldn't work r... | |
How to transfer "pure music" from Imac to Mac mini Download it from PM onto your new computer. Your code should work fine for the new computer and you will have the latest version. I did this a while back when I too bought a Mac Mini. | |
How does Vandersteen 2CE Sig II compare to Treo? They're not the same lower drivers. The 2Ce uses an 8" woofer and a 10" active acoustic coupler. The Treo uses a 6.5" woofer and a downfiring 8" subwoofer which is active.Based on this, I would think the Treo would be somewhat more open and sound ... | |
AV Processor and Blu Ray Question The AVM 30 does allow bass management through the analoque inputs. It is a great processor and an unbeatable deal at the prices it sells for used. It would work very well with the Oppo player and especially the SE version since the improvements we... | |
Is BCD-1 hands down better than Sony XA5400es The Sony sight says they are available.In answer to your question-NO! A better question would be: Is it any better?The Sony seems to be one of those "Special" components that pop out of Sony every once and a while. It is killer at its price point.... | |
what blew out? The fuse replacement didn't cause your issue. Fuses can be replaced with different voltage ratings (same or greater) as long as the amperage stays the same. It is the current draw that blows the fuse. Something blew the fuse the first time. They d... | |
Sony XA5400ES lack of bass when new? I too purchased one a few months back. I've owned a lot of players and I enjoy this one as much as any I have ever had.(various Sony's including an SCD-1, Meridian 508-24 and G08,Ayre, Cambridge 840c)I wanted a player for both formats and I have n... | |
Audible illusions Modulus 3A or Klyne 6L This post is a little late but Aesthetix had issues with their 12AX7's in the Calypso preamp. It ate them for lunch and I should know. I spent enough on replacement tubes. However, it you finally got a good pair, it was wonderful. Jim White is a v... | |
Audible illusions Modulus 3A or Klyne 6L I've owned numerous Modulus preamps including a M3, 3 - M3a's, a L-1 and a L-2. I have never had tube issues with any of them. If you ignore the advice of AI and others about certain NOS tubes, yes, you will have an issue but this is your on fault... | |
How would you compare Ayre to Parasound? A few years back, I bought a pair of JC1's for my Vandersteen 3A Sigs I had at the time. I was using a Aesthetix Calypso preamp in a all balanced system.I did not like the Parasound sound with this combination. (I actually invited some knowledgabl... | |
Which integrated to pick... The YBA YA201 is a very smooth amp. However, if you listen at lower levels, it might not be the amp for you. Unless it is at a moderate volume or better, its true sound doesn't come through. It kinda fades away at lower levels losing dynamics and ... | |
Now Hear This I can't think of one speaker that would come close to outperforming them for $400. They are quite decent to be sure. The side firing woofer actual helps with room issues in the bass sometimes. The receiver would work fine with them since the Onkyo... | |
Attn: Ayre v-5xe owners The V5xe is simply superb in soundstage and depth of field. It is unbelievably holographic. However, I think a fair assessment would be it is a touch light in the bottom. I ended up using a 2 channel Theta Dreadnaught I amp which I found more sati... |