
Responses from bgoeller

blending Magnepan MMG with SVS subwoofer
I'd start by measuring the response curve of the MMGs in your room. You can get fancy tools for this or use a free app like Octave RTA on a tablet, put the tablet in your listening position and run a frequency sweep to see where the MMGs start to ... 
Best way to steam audio from PC to analog receiver
Depending on your streaming needs, any DLNA device may work. 
help me choosing first HiFi
Lorcar - apologies upfront for answering questions you did not ask, but I was in a similar situation when I got back into the hobby about four years ago, with a similar re-entry budget. My first recommendation is that you determine what your three... 
Novum Resonator Alternative
RoxyI too tried this exact experiment a couple months ago with a very thick 15" crash. Not sure if the effect was resonance or wave focus or both, but after about five tracks I pulled out the cymbal and replaced it with a large throw pillow and th... 
Maximizing My Turntable Experience - input reqeust
I also have this TT, my initial foray into vinyl. There is great advice upthread of this comment, so I'll just reiterate that setup is absolutely essential and worth the time and effort to micro-adjust into the "zone". I use the acrylic platter an... 
In defense of ABX testing
I agree with the notion of Science! being applied as a tool for understanding how different equipment influences my perceptions, but I'm not convinced ABX testing is the right way to go about it. Even if a test population of reasonable size is acq... 
my ethernet cable?
If you are intent on listening to them both, why don't you get a run of 5e and just try it out without having it installed in the wall? If you like it better, then have it strung properly.I have used neither for audio purposes, but did just have 1... 
Pairing older NAD power amp with newer preamp
I have the $49 Schiit Sys passive pre between my dac and an NAD 214. For the price you can't beat it. 
Budget DAC
I am using the DACit in my 'polite listening' system between an Apple TV and a pair of NAD 214 amps vertically bi-amped to Kef C300 bookshelf speakers. I stream exclusively through MOG, TBD what service I will use after MOG sunsets at the end of t... 
Recommend a recording that shows of soundstage
The Weight by The Band, in IMHO, is a great track for either showing off sound stage or testing speaker placement. They didn't pan the drums and Levon's vocals are nailed squarely to them. The vocal harmonies track left to right and are also local... 
Do you play an instrument? Helps in speaker eval?
I play the drums, but the experience most applicable to my audiophile hobby is recording in a professional studio. It's important to remember that in many cases 'faithful' reproduction requires figuring out what the producer and sound engineer wan... 
Peachtree DAC-it power supply upgrade?
Mechans, are you my wife?? Ok, this actually is a welcome response. I am moving in a month and promised myself I wouldn't change or tweak anything until after the dust settles because really what's the point. I'm 60 minutes from Chicago so there i... 
Does your system sound better than most demo's?
B_Limo - I used the M3 analogy with a local dealer recently. For some unknown reason he had it in my head I wouldn't be satisfied with anything except a boutique name. I tried to explain that the upgrades I was thinking about weren't to impress an...